The Socio-Natural Question: How Climate Change Adds to Social Inequalities

Faist T (2018)
Journal of Intercultural Studies 39(2: At the cutting edge of migration and refugee studies: A Festschrift for Professor Stephen Castles): 195-206.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Journal of Intercultural Studies
2: At the cutting edge of migration and refugee studies: A Festschrift for Professor Stephen Castles
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Faist T. The Socio-Natural Question: How Climate Change Adds to Social Inequalities. Journal of Intercultural Studies. 2018;39(2: At the cutting edge of migration and refugee studies: A Festschrift for Professor Stephen Castles):195-206.
Faist, T. (2018). The Socio-Natural Question: How Climate Change Adds to Social Inequalities. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 39(2: At the cutting edge of migration and refugee studies: A Festschrift for Professor Stephen Castles), 195-206. doi:10.1080/07256868.2018.1446670
Faist, Thomas. 2018. “The Socio-Natural Question: How Climate Change Adds to Social Inequalities”. Journal of Intercultural Studies 39 (2: At the cutting edge of migration and refugee studies: A Festschrift for Professor Stephen Castles): 195-206.
Faist, T. (2018). The Socio-Natural Question: How Climate Change Adds to Social Inequalities. Journal of Intercultural Studies 39, 195-206.
Faist, T., 2018. The Socio-Natural Question: How Climate Change Adds to Social Inequalities. Journal of Intercultural Studies, 39(2: At the cutting edge of migration and refugee studies: A Festschrift for Professor Stephen Castles), p 195-206.
T. Faist, “The Socio-Natural Question: How Climate Change Adds to Social Inequalities”, Journal of Intercultural Studies, vol. 39, 2018, pp. 195-206.
Faist, T.: The Socio-Natural Question: How Climate Change Adds to Social Inequalities. Journal of Intercultural Studies. 39, 195-206 (2018).
Faist, Thomas. “The Socio-Natural Question: How Climate Change Adds to Social Inequalities”. Journal of Intercultural Studies 39.2: At the cutting edge of migration and refugee studies: A Festschrift for Professor Stephen Castles (2018): 195-206.

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