Advantages of Eye-Gaze over Head-Gaze-Based Selection in Virtual and Augmented Reality under Varying Field of Views

Blattgerste J, Renner P, Pfeiffer T (2018)
In: COGAIN '18. Proceedings of the Symposium on Communication by Gaze Interaction. New York: ACM.

Konferenzbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
OA 1.38 MB
Abstract / Bemerkung
The current best practice for hands-free selection using Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) head-mounted displays is to use head-gaze for aiming and dwell-time or clicking for triggering the selection. There is an observable trend for new VR and AR devices to come with integrated eye-tracking units to improve rendering, to provide means for attention analysis or for social interactions. Eye-gaze has been successfully used for human-computer interaction in other domains, primarily on desktop computers. In VR/AR systems, aiming via eye-gaze could be significantly faster and less exhausting than via head-gaze. To evaluate benefits of eye-gaze-based interaction methods in VR and AR, we compared aiming via head-gaze and aiming via eye-gaze. We show that eye-gaze outperforms head-gaze in terms of speed, task load, required head movement and user preference. We furthermore show that the advantages of eye-gaze further increase with larger FOV sizes.
Augmented Reality; Virtual Reality; Assistance Systems; Head-Mounted Displays; Eye-Tracking; Field of View; Human Computer Interaction
Titel des Konferenzbandes
COGAIN '18. Proceedings of the Symposium on Communication by Gaze Interaction
2018 Communication by Gaze Interaction
Warsaw, Poland
2018-07-14 – 2018-07-17
Page URI


Blattgerste J, Renner P, Pfeiffer T. Advantages of Eye-Gaze over Head-Gaze-Based Selection in Virtual and Augmented Reality under Varying Field of Views. In: COGAIN '18. Proceedings of the Symposium on Communication by Gaze Interaction. New York: ACM; 2018.
Blattgerste, J., Renner, P., & Pfeiffer, T. (2018). Advantages of Eye-Gaze over Head-Gaze-Based Selection in Virtual and Augmented Reality under Varying Field of Views. COGAIN '18. Proceedings of the Symposium on Communication by Gaze Interaction New York: ACM.
Blattgerste, Jonas, Renner, Patrick, and Pfeiffer, Thies. 2018. “Advantages of Eye-Gaze over Head-Gaze-Based Selection in Virtual and Augmented Reality under Varying Field of Views”. In COGAIN '18. Proceedings of the Symposium on Communication by Gaze Interaction. New York: ACM: 1.
Blattgerste, J., Renner, P., and Pfeiffer, T. (2018). “Advantages of Eye-Gaze over Head-Gaze-Based Selection in Virtual and Augmented Reality under Varying Field of Views” in COGAIN '18. Proceedings of the Symposium on Communication by Gaze Interaction (New York: ACM).
Blattgerste, J., Renner, P., & Pfeiffer, T., 2018. Advantages of Eye-Gaze over Head-Gaze-Based Selection in Virtual and Augmented Reality under Varying Field of Views. In COGAIN '18. Proceedings of the Symposium on Communication by Gaze Interaction. New York: ACM.
J. Blattgerste, P. Renner, and T. Pfeiffer, “Advantages of Eye-Gaze over Head-Gaze-Based Selection in Virtual and Augmented Reality under Varying Field of Views”, COGAIN '18. Proceedings of the Symposium on Communication by Gaze Interaction, New York: ACM, 2018.
Blattgerste, J., Renner, P., Pfeiffer, T.: Advantages of Eye-Gaze over Head-Gaze-Based Selection in Virtual and Augmented Reality under Varying Field of Views. COGAIN '18. Proceedings of the Symposium on Communication by Gaze Interaction. ACM, New York (2018).
Blattgerste, Jonas, Renner, Patrick, and Pfeiffer, Thies. “Advantages of Eye-Gaze over Head-Gaze-Based Selection in Virtual and Augmented Reality under Varying Field of Views”. COGAIN '18. Proceedings of the Symposium on Communication by Gaze Interaction. New York: ACM, 2018.
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