Membrane Reactors at Degussa

Wöltinger J, Karau A, Leuchtenberger W, Drauz K (2005)
In: Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: from lab to industry to production. Kragl U (Ed); Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology, 92. Berlin: Springer: 289-316.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Wöltinger, Jens; Karau, Andreas; Leuchtenberger, WolfgangUniBi; Drauz, Karlheinz
Kragl, Udo
Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: from lab to industry to production
Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology
9783540224129, 9783540315407
0724-6145, 1616-8542
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Wöltinger J, Karau A, Leuchtenberger W, Drauz K. Membrane Reactors at Degussa. In: Kragl U, ed. Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: from lab to industry to production. Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology. Vol 92. Berlin: Springer; 2005: 289-316.
Wöltinger, J., Karau, A., Leuchtenberger, W., & Drauz, K. (2005). Membrane Reactors at Degussa. In U. Kragl (Ed.), Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology: Vol. 92. Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: from lab to industry to production (pp. 289-316). Berlin: Springer. doi:10.1007/b98909
Wöltinger, Jens, Karau, Andreas, Leuchtenberger, Wolfgang, and Drauz, Karlheinz. 2005. “Membrane Reactors at Degussa”. In Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: from lab to industry to production, ed. Udo Kragl, 92:289-316. Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology. Berlin: Springer.
Wöltinger, J., Karau, A., Leuchtenberger, W., and Drauz, K. (2005). “Membrane Reactors at Degussa” in Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: from lab to industry to production, Kragl, U. ed. Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology, vol. 92, (Berlin: Springer), 289-316.
Wöltinger, J., et al., 2005. Membrane Reactors at Degussa. In U. Kragl, ed. Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: from lab to industry to production. Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology. no.92 Berlin: Springer, pp. 289-316.
J. Wöltinger, et al., “Membrane Reactors at Degussa”, Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: from lab to industry to production, U. Kragl, ed., Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology, vol. 92, Berlin: Springer, 2005, pp.289-316.
Wöltinger, J., Karau, A., Leuchtenberger, W., Drauz, K.: Membrane Reactors at Degussa. In: Kragl, U. (ed.) Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: from lab to industry to production. Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology. 92, p. 289-316. Springer, Berlin (2005).
Wöltinger, Jens, Karau, Andreas, Leuchtenberger, Wolfgang, and Drauz, Karlheinz. “Membrane Reactors at Degussa”. Technology Transfer in Biotechnology: from lab to industry to production. Ed. Udo Kragl. Berlin: Springer, 2005.Vol. 92. Advances in Biochemical Engineering / Biotechnology. 289-316.

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