Micro-organisms growing on rapeseed during storage affect the profile of volatile compounds of virgin rapeseed oil

Wagner C, Bonte A, Bruehl L, Niehaus K, Bednarz H, Matthaeus B (2018)

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Wagner, Claudia; Bonte, Anja; Bruehl, Ludger; Niehaus, KarstenUniBi; Bednarz, Hanna; Matthaeus, Bertrand
Abstract / Bemerkung
BACKGROUNDMicro-organisms populate on rapeseed after harvest during storage depending on the growing conditions. The composition of the bacterial colonization is unknown, although its contribution to the profile of volatile aroma-active compounds determines the sensory quality of virgin cold-pressed rapeseed oil. RESULTSFrom four rapeseed samples, 46 bacterial strains were isolated. By DNA-sequencing, the identification of four bacteria species and 17 bacteria genera was possible. In total, 22 strains were selected, based on their typical off-flavors resembling those of virgin sensory bad cold-pressed rapeseed oils. The cultivation of these strains on rapeseed meal agar and examination of volatile compounds by solid phase microextraction-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry allowed the identification of 29 different compounds, mainly degradation products of fatty acids such as alkanes, alkenes, aldehydes, ketones and alcohols and, in addition, sulfur-containing compounds, including one terpene and three pyrazines. From these compounds, 19 are described as aroma-active in the literature. CONCLUSIONMicro-organisms populating on rapeseed during storage may strongly influence the sensory quality of virgin rapeseed oil as a result of the development of volatile aroma-active metabolic products. It can be assumed that occurrence of off-flavor of virgin rapeseed oils on the market are the result of metabolic degradation products produced by micro-organisms populating on rapeseed during storage. (c) 2017 Society of Chemical Industry
micro-organisms; rapeseed; SPME-GC-MS; virgin rapeseed oils; volatile; compounds; storage
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Wagner C, Bonte A, Bruehl L, Niehaus K, Bednarz H, Matthaeus B. Micro-organisms growing on rapeseed during storage affect the profile of volatile compounds of virgin rapeseed oil. JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE. 2018;98(6):2147-2155.
Wagner, C., Bonte, A., Bruehl, L., Niehaus, K., Bednarz, H., & Matthaeus, B. (2018). Micro-organisms growing on rapeseed during storage affect the profile of volatile compounds of virgin rapeseed oil. JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, 98(6), 2147-2155. doi:10.1002/jsfa.8699
Wagner, Claudia, Bonte, Anja, Bruehl, Ludger, Niehaus, Karsten, Bednarz, Hanna, and Matthaeus, Bertrand. 2018. “Micro-organisms growing on rapeseed during storage affect the profile of volatile compounds of virgin rapeseed oil”. JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 98 (6): 2147-2155.
Wagner, C., Bonte, A., Bruehl, L., Niehaus, K., Bednarz, H., and Matthaeus, B. (2018). Micro-organisms growing on rapeseed during storage affect the profile of volatile compounds of virgin rapeseed oil. JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 98, 2147-2155.
Wagner, C., et al., 2018. Micro-organisms growing on rapeseed during storage affect the profile of volatile compounds of virgin rapeseed oil. JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, 98(6), p 2147-2155.
C. Wagner, et al., “Micro-organisms growing on rapeseed during storage affect the profile of volatile compounds of virgin rapeseed oil”, JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE, vol. 98, 2018, pp. 2147-2155.
Wagner, C., Bonte, A., Bruehl, L., Niehaus, K., Bednarz, H., Matthaeus, B.: Micro-organisms growing on rapeseed during storage affect the profile of volatile compounds of virgin rapeseed oil. JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE. 98, 2147-2155 (2018).
Wagner, Claudia, Bonte, Anja, Bruehl, Ludger, Niehaus, Karsten, Bednarz, Hanna, and Matthaeus, Bertrand. “Micro-organisms growing on rapeseed during storage affect the profile of volatile compounds of virgin rapeseed oil”. JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE 98.6 (2018): 2147-2155.

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