Identification of a Novel High Yielding Source of Multipotent Adult Human Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cells

Schürmann M, Brotzmann V, Bütow M, Greiner J, Höving A, Kaltschmidt C, Kaltschmidt B, Sudhoff H (2018)
Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 14(2): 277–285.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Schürmann, Matthias; Brotzmann, Viktoria; Bütow, Marlena; Greiner, JohannesUniBi ; Höving, Anna; Kaltschmidt, ChristianUniBi; Kaltschmidt, BarbaraUniBi; Sudhoff, HolgerUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Due to their extraordinarily broad differentiation potential and persistence during adulthood, adult neural crest-derived stem cells (NCSCs) are highly promising candidates for clinical applications, particularly when facing the challenging treatment of neurodegenerative diseases or complex craniofacial injuries. Successful application of human NCSCs in regenerative medicine and pharmaceutical research mainly relies on the availability of sufficient amounts of tissue for cell isolation procedures. Facing this challenge, we here describe for the first time a novel population of NCSCs within the middle turbinate of the human nasal cavity. From a surgical point of view, high amounts of tissue are routinely and easily removed during nasal biopsies. Investigating the presence of putative stem cells in obtained middle turbinate tissue by immunohistochemistry, we observed Nestin+/p75NTR+/S100+/α smooth muscle actin (αSMA)− cells, which we successfully isolated and cultivated in vitro. Cultivated middle turbinate stem cells (MTSCs) kept their expression of neural crest and stemness markers Nestin, p75 and S100 and showed the capability of sphere formation and clonal growth, indicating their stem cell character. Application of directed in vitro differentiation assays resulted in successful differentiation of MTSCs into osteogenic and neuronal cell types. Regarding the high amount of tissue obtained during surgery as well as their broad differentiation capability, MTSCs seem to be a highly promising novel neural crest stem cell population for applications in cell replacement therapy and pharmacological research.
NCSCs; Human; Nasal cavity; Middle turbinate; Neural crest; Adult stem cells
Stem Cell Reviews and Reports
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Schürmann M, Brotzmann V, Bütow M, et al. Identification of a Novel High Yielding Source of Multipotent Adult Human Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. 2018;14(2):277–285.
Schürmann, M., Brotzmann, V., Bütow, M., Greiner, J., Höving, A., Kaltschmidt, C., Kaltschmidt, B., et al. (2018). Identification of a Novel High Yielding Source of Multipotent Adult Human Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 14(2), 277–285.
Schürmann, Matthias, Brotzmann, Viktoria, Bütow, Marlena, Greiner, Johannes, Höving, Anna, Kaltschmidt, Christian, Kaltschmidt, Barbara, and Sudhoff, Holger. 2018. “Identification of a Novel High Yielding Source of Multipotent Adult Human Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cells”. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 14 (2): 277–285.
Schürmann, M., Brotzmann, V., Bütow, M., Greiner, J., Höving, A., Kaltschmidt, C., Kaltschmidt, B., and Sudhoff, H. (2018). Identification of a Novel High Yielding Source of Multipotent Adult Human Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 14, 277–285.
Schürmann, M., et al., 2018. Identification of a Novel High Yielding Source of Multipotent Adult Human Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 14(2), p 277–285.
M. Schürmann, et al., “Identification of a Novel High Yielding Source of Multipotent Adult Human Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cells”, Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, vol. 14, 2018, pp. 277–285.
Schürmann, M., Brotzmann, V., Bütow, M., Greiner, J., Höving, A., Kaltschmidt, C., Kaltschmidt, B., Sudhoff, H.: Identification of a Novel High Yielding Source of Multipotent Adult Human Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cells. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports. 14, 277–285 (2018).
Schürmann, Matthias, Brotzmann, Viktoria, Bütow, Marlena, Greiner, Johannes, Höving, Anna, Kaltschmidt, Christian, Kaltschmidt, Barbara, and Sudhoff, Holger. “Identification of a Novel High Yielding Source of Multipotent Adult Human Neural Crest-Derived Stem Cells”. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 14.2 (2018): 277–285.

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Surgery of the turbinates and "empty nose" syndrome.
Scheithauer MO., GMS Curr Top Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 9(), 2010
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Culture bag systems for clinical applications of adult human neural crest-derived stem cells.
Greiner JF, Grunwald LM, Muller J, Sudhoff H, Widera D, Kaltschmidt C, Kaltschmidt B., Stem Cell Res Ther 5(2), 2014
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Intrastriatal transplantation of adult human neural crest-derived stem cells improves functional outcome in parkinsonian rats.
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Greiner JF, Hauser S, Widera D, Muller J, Qunneis F, Zander C, Martin I, Mallah J, Schuetzmann D, Prante C, Schwarze H, Prohaska W, Beyer A, Rott K, Hutten A, Golzhauser A, Sudhoff H, Kaltschmidt C, Kaltschmidt B., Eur Cell Mater 22(), 2011
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Hofemeier AD, Hachmeister H, Pilger C, Schurmann M, Greiner JF, Nolte L, Sudhoff H, Kaltschmidt C, Huser T, Kaltschmidt B., Sci Rep 6(), 2016
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Isolation of novel multipotent neural crest-derived stem cells from adult human inferior turbinate.
Hauser S, Widera D, Qunneis F, Muller J, Zander C, Greiner J, Strauss C, Luningschror P, Heimann P, Schwarze H, Ebmeyer J, Sudhoff H, Arauzo-Bravo MJ, Greber B, Zaehres H, Scholer H, Kaltschmidt C, Kaltschmidt B., Stem Cells Dev. 21(5), 2012
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Identification of a human olfactory ensheathing cell that can effect transplant-mediated remyelination of demyelinated CNS axons.
Barnett SC, Alexander CL, Iwashita Y, Gilson JM, Crowther J, Clark L, Dunn LT, Papanastassiou V, Kennedy PG, Franklin RJ., Brain 123 ( Pt 8)(), 2000
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Damm M, Vent J, Schmidt M, Theissen P, Eckel HE, Lotsch J, Hummel T., Chem. Senses 27(9), 2002
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Functional regeneration of supraspinal connections in a patient with transected spinal cord following transplantation of bulbar olfactory ensheathing cells with peripheral nerve bridging.
Tabakow P, Raisman G, Fortuna W, Czyz M, Huber J, Li D, Szewczyk P, Okurowski S, Miedzybrodzki R, Czapiga B, Salomon B, Halon A, Li Y, Lipiec J, Kulczyk A, Jarmundowicz W., Cell Transplant 23(12), 2014
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Engraftment of human nasal olfactory stem cells restores neuroplasticity in mice with hippocampal lesions.
Nivet E, Vignes M, Girard SD, Pierrisnard C, Baril N, Deveze A, Magnan J, Lante F, Khrestchatisky M, Feron F, Roman FS., J. Clin. Invest. 121(7), 2011
PMID: 21670501
Olfactory mucosa is a potential source for autologous stem cell therapy for Parkinson's disease.
Murrell W, Wetzig A, Donnellan M, Feron F, Burne T, Meedeniya A, Kesby J, Bianco J, Perry C, Silburn P, Mackay-Sim A., Stem Cells 26(8), 2008
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Impact of Middle versus Inferior Total Turbinectomy on Nasal Aerodynamics.
Dayal A, Rhee JS, Garcia GJ., Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 155(3), 2016
PMID: 27165673
1,8-Cineole potentiates IRF3-mediated antiviral response in human stem cells and in an ex vivo model of rhinosinusitis.
Muller J, Greiner JF, Zeuner M, Brotzmann V, Schafermann J, Wieters F, Widera D, Sudhoff H, Kaltschmidt B, Kaltschmidt C., Clin. Sci. 130(15), 2016
PMID: 27129189
In vitro adipogenesis of adipose-derived stem cells in 3D fibrin matrix of low component concentration.
Peterbauer-Scherb A, Danzer M, Gabriel C, van Griensven M, Redl H, Wolbank S., J Tissue Eng Regen Med 6(6), 2011
PMID: 21815273
Olfactory ensheathing cells express smooth muscle alpha-actin in vitro and in vivo.
Jahed A, Rowland JW, McDonald T, Boyd JG, Doucette R, Kawaja MD., J. Comp. Neurol. 503(2), 2007
PMID: 17492622
Human epidermal neural crest stem cells (hEPI-NCSC)--characterization and directed differentiation into osteocytes and melanocytes.
Clewes O, Narytnyk A, Gillinder KR, Loughney AD, Murdoch AP, Sieber-Blum M., Stem Cell Rev Rep 7(4), 2011
PMID: 21455606
Autologous olfactory ensheathing cell transplantation in human spinal cord injury.
Feron F, Perry C, Cochrane J, Licina P, Nowitzke A, Urquhart S, Geraghty T, Mackay-Sim A., Brain 128(Pt 12), 2005
PMID: 16219671
Plasticity of adult stem cells.
Wagers AJ, Weissman IL., Cell 116(5), 2004
PMID: 15006347
Multipotent stem cells from adult olfactory mucosa.
Murrell W, Feron F, Wetzig A, Cameron N, Splatt K, Bellette B, Bianco J, Perry C, Lee G, Mackay-Sim A., Dev. Dyn. 233(2), 2005
PMID: 15782416
The use of autologous fibrin adhesive in skin transplantation.
Dahlstrom KK, Weis-Fogh US, Medgyesi S, Rostgaard J, Sorensen H., Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 89(5), 1992
PMID: 1561270
Surgery of the turbinates and "empty nose" syndrome.
Scheithauer MO., GMS Curr Top Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Surg 9(), 2010
PMID: 22073107
Culture bag systems for clinical applications of adult human neural crest-derived stem cells.
Greiner JF, Grunwald LM, Muller J, Sudhoff H, Widera D, Kaltschmidt C, Kaltschmidt B., Stem Cell Res Ther 5(2), 2014
PMID: 24629140
Intrastriatal transplantation of adult human neural crest-derived stem cells improves functional outcome in parkinsonian rats.
Muller J, Ossig C, Greiner JF, Hauser S, Fauser M, Widera D, Kaltschmidt C, Storch A, Kaltschmidt B., Stem Cells Transl Med 4(1), 2014
PMID: 25479965
Isolation of multipotent adult stem cells from the dermis of mammalian skin.
Toma JG, Akhavan M, Fernandes KJ, Barnabe-Heider F, Sadikot A, Kaplan DR, Miller FD., Nat. Cell Biol. 3(9), 2001
PMID: 11533656
The human nose harbors a niche of olfactory ectomesenchymal stem cells displaying neurogenic and osteogenic properties.
Delorme B, Nivet E, Gaillard J, Haupl T, Ringe J, Deveze A, Magnan J, Sohier J, Khrestchatisky M, Roman FS, Charbord P, Sensebe L, Layrolle P, Feron F., Stem Cells Dev. 19(6), 2010
PMID: 19905894
Olfactory ensheathing cells and spinal cord repair.
Mackay-Sim A., Keio J Med 54(1), 2005
PMID: 15832075
Efficient animal-serum free 3D cultivation method for adult human neural crest-derived stem cell therapeutics.
Greiner JF, Hauser S, Widera D, Muller J, Qunneis F, Zander C, Martin I, Mallah J, Schuetzmann D, Prante C, Schwarze H, Prohaska W, Beyer A, Rott K, Hutten A, Golzhauser A, Sudhoff H, Kaltschmidt C, Kaltschmidt B., Eur Cell Mater 22(), 2011
PMID: 22179938
Spontaneous neural differentiation of stem cells in culture of human olfactory epithelium.
Viktorov IV, Savchenko EA, Chekhonin VP., Bull. Exp. Biol. Med. 144(4), 2007
PMID: 18642721
Neural crest origin of olfactory ensheathing glia.
Barraud P, Seferiadis AA, Tyson LD, Zwart MF, Szabo-Rogers HL, Ruhrberg C, Liu KJ, Baker CV., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107(49), 2010
PMID: 21078992
Structure of human fetal and adult olfactory neuroepithelium.
Nakashima T, Kimmelman CP, Snow JB Jr., Arch Otolaryngol 110(10), 1984
PMID: 6477257
Label-free nonlinear optical microscopy detects early markers for osteogenic differentiation of human stem cells.
Hofemeier AD, Hachmeister H, Pilger C, Schurmann M, Greiner JF, Nolte L, Sudhoff H, Kaltschmidt C, Huser T, Kaltschmidt B., Sci Rep 6(), 2016
PMID: 27225821
Isolation of novel multipotent neural crest-derived stem cells from adult human inferior turbinate.
Hauser S, Widera D, Qunneis F, Muller J, Zander C, Greiner J, Strauss C, Luningschror P, Heimann P, Schwarze H, Ebmeyer J, Sudhoff H, Arauzo-Bravo MJ, Greber B, Zaehres H, Scholer H, Kaltschmidt C, Kaltschmidt B., Stem Cells Dev. 21(5), 2012
PMID: 22128806
Stem cell function, self-renewal, and behavioral heterogeneity of cells from the adult muscle satellite cell niche.
Collins CA, Olsen I, Zammit PS, Heslop L, Petrie A, Partridge TA, Morgan JE., Cell 122(2), 2005
PMID: 16051152
Adult craniofacial stem cells: sources and relation to the neural crest.
Kaltschmidt B, Kaltschmidt C, Widera D., Stem Cell Rev Rep 8(3), 2012
PMID: 22170630
Fibrin gel improves the survival of transplanted myoblasts.
Gerard C, Forest MA, Beauregard G, Skuk D, Tremblay JP., Cell Transplant 21(1), 2011
PMID: 21535909
Identification of a human olfactory ensheathing cell that can effect transplant-mediated remyelination of demyelinated CNS axons.
Barnett SC, Alexander CL, Iwashita Y, Gilson JM, Crowther J, Clark L, Dunn LT, Papanastassiou V, Kennedy PG, Franklin RJ., Brain 123 ( Pt 8)(), 2000
PMID: 10908188
Fibrin sealant treatment of splenic injuries during oesophagectomy.
Modi P, Rahamim J., Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 28(1), 2005
PMID: 15876541
Intranasal volume and olfactory function.
Damm M, Vent J, Schmidt M, Theissen P, Eckel HE, Lotsch J, Hummel T., Chem. Senses 27(9), 2002
PMID: 12438209
Functional regeneration of supraspinal connections in a patient with transected spinal cord following transplantation of bulbar olfactory ensheathing cells with peripheral nerve bridging.
Tabakow P, Raisman G, Fortuna W, Czyz M, Huber J, Li D, Szewczyk P, Okurowski S, Miedzybrodzki R, Czapiga B, Salomon B, Halon A, Li Y, Lipiec J, Kulczyk A, Jarmundowicz W., Cell Transplant 23(12), 2014
PMID: 25338642
Engraftment of human nasal olfactory stem cells restores neuroplasticity in mice with hippocampal lesions.
Nivet E, Vignes M, Girard SD, Pierrisnard C, Baril N, Deveze A, Magnan J, Lante F, Khrestchatisky M, Feron F, Roman FS., J. Clin. Invest. 121(7), 2011
PMID: 21670501
Olfactory mucosa is a potential source for autologous stem cell therapy for Parkinson's disease.
Murrell W, Wetzig A, Donnellan M, Feron F, Burne T, Meedeniya A, Kesby J, Bianco J, Perry C, Silburn P, Mackay-Sim A., Stem Cells 26(8), 2008
PMID: 18535154
Impact of Middle versus Inferior Total Turbinectomy on Nasal Aerodynamics.
Dayal A, Rhee JS, Garcia GJ., Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 155(3), 2016
PMID: 27165673
1,8-Cineole potentiates IRF3-mediated antiviral response in human stem cells and in an ex vivo model of rhinosinusitis.
Muller J, Greiner JF, Zeuner M, Brotzmann V, Schafermann J, Wieters F, Widera D, Sudhoff H, Kaltschmidt B, Kaltschmidt C., Clin. Sci. 130(15), 2016
PMID: 27129189
In vitro adipogenesis of adipose-derived stem cells in 3D fibrin matrix of low component concentration.
Peterbauer-Scherb A, Danzer M, Gabriel C, van Griensven M, Redl H, Wolbank S., J Tissue Eng Regen Med 6(6), 2011
PMID: 21815273
Olfactory ensheathing cells express smooth muscle alpha-actin in vitro and in vivo.
Jahed A, Rowland JW, McDonald T, Boyd JG, Doucette R, Kawaja MD., J. Comp. Neurol. 503(2), 2007
PMID: 17492622
Human epidermal neural crest stem cells (hEPI-NCSC)--characterization and directed differentiation into osteocytes and melanocytes.
Clewes O, Narytnyk A, Gillinder KR, Loughney AD, Murdoch AP, Sieber-Blum M., Stem Cell Rev Rep 7(4), 2011
PMID: 21455606
Autologous olfactory ensheathing cell transplantation in human spinal cord injury.
Feron F, Perry C, Cochrane J, Licina P, Nowitzke A, Urquhart S, Geraghty T, Mackay-Sim A., Brain 128(Pt 12), 2005
PMID: 16219671
Plasticity of adult stem cells.
Wagers AJ, Weissman IL., Cell 116(5), 2004
PMID: 15006347
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Heterogeneity of adult human stem cells in physiology and pathogenesis
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