Human-Human Interaction Forces and Interlimb Coordination During Side-by-Side Walking With Hand Contact

Sylos-Labini F, d{\textquotesingle}Avella A, Lacquaniti F, Ivanenko Y (2018)
Frontiers in Physiology 9: 179.

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Sylos-Labini, Francesca; d{\textquotesingle}Avella, Andrea; Lacquaniti, Francesco; Ivanenko, Yury
Frontiers in Physiology
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Sylos-Labini F, d{\textquotesingle}Avella A, Lacquaniti F, Ivanenko Y. Human-Human Interaction Forces and Interlimb Coordination During Side-by-Side Walking With Hand Contact. Frontiers in Physiology. 2018;9:179.
Sylos-Labini, F., d{\textquotesingle}Avella, A., Lacquaniti, F., & Ivanenko, Y. (2018). Human-Human Interaction Forces and Interlimb Coordination During Side-by-Side Walking With Hand Contact. Frontiers in Physiology, 9, 179. doi:10.3389/fphys.2018.00179
Sylos-Labini, Francesca, d{\textquotesingle}Avella, Andrea, Lacquaniti, Francesco, and Ivanenko, Yury. 2018. “Human-Human Interaction Forces and Interlimb Coordination During Side-by-Side Walking With Hand Contact”. Frontiers in Physiology 9: 179.
Sylos-Labini, F., d{\textquotesingle}Avella, A., Lacquaniti, F., and Ivanenko, Y. (2018). Human-Human Interaction Forces and Interlimb Coordination During Side-by-Side Walking With Hand Contact. Frontiers in Physiology 9, 179.
Sylos-Labini, F., et al., 2018. Human-Human Interaction Forces and Interlimb Coordination During Side-by-Side Walking With Hand Contact. Frontiers in Physiology, 9, p 179.
F. Sylos-Labini, et al., “Human-Human Interaction Forces and Interlimb Coordination During Side-by-Side Walking With Hand Contact”, Frontiers in Physiology, vol. 9, 2018, pp. 179.
Sylos-Labini, F., d{\textquotesingle}Avella, A., Lacquaniti, F., Ivanenko, Y.: Human-Human Interaction Forces and Interlimb Coordination During Side-by-Side Walking With Hand Contact. Frontiers in Physiology. 9, 179 (2018).
Sylos-Labini, Francesca, d{\textquotesingle}Avella, Andrea, Lacquaniti, Francesco, and Ivanenko, Yury. “Human-Human Interaction Forces and Interlimb Coordination During Side-by-Side Walking With Hand Contact”. Frontiers in Physiology 9 (2018): 179.

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