Semantic clusters combined with kinematics the case of English and Modern Greek motion verbs

Sionti M, Claudino L, Aloimonos Y, Penstein Rose C, Markantonatou S (2014)
In: Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL, Thessaloniki 1-3 April 2011. Nikolaos L, Alexiou T, Areti Maria S, De Gruyter Open-Versita (Eds); Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL, Vol 20, No 1 (2014). Versita Ltd, 78 York Street, London W1H 1DP, Great Britain.: Versita: 495-510.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Sionti, MariettaUniBi ; Claudino, Leonardo; Aloimonos, Yiannis; Penstein Rose, Carolyn; Markantonatou, Stella
Nikolaos, Lavidas; Alexiou, Thomai; Areti Maria, Sougari
herausgebende Körperschaft
De Gruyter Open-Versita
Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL, Thessaloniki 1-3 April 2011
Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL
Vol 20, No 1 (2014)
20th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
2011/04/01 – 2011/04/03
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Sionti M, Claudino L, Aloimonos Y, Penstein Rose C, Markantonatou S. Semantic clusters combined with kinematics the case of English and Modern Greek motion verbs. In: Nikolaos L, Alexiou T, Areti Maria S, De Gruyter Open-Versita, eds. Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL, Thessaloniki 1-3 April 2011. Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL. Vol Vol 20, No 1 (2014). Versita Ltd, 78 York Street, London W1H 1DP, Great Britain.: Versita; 2014: 495-510.
Sionti, M., Claudino, L., Aloimonos, Y., Penstein Rose, C., & Markantonatou, S. (2014). Semantic clusters combined with kinematics the case of English and Modern Greek motion verbs. In L. Nikolaos, T. Alexiou, S. Areti Maria, & De Gruyter Open-Versita (Eds.), Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL: Vol. Vol 20, No 1 (2014). Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL, Thessaloniki 1-3 April 2011 (pp. 495-510). Versita Ltd, 78 York Street, London W1H 1DP, Great Britain.: Versita.
Sionti, Marietta, Claudino, Leonardo, Aloimonos, Yiannis, Penstein Rose, Carolyn, and Markantonatou, Stella. 2014. “Semantic clusters combined with kinematics the case of English and Modern Greek motion verbs”. In Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL, Thessaloniki 1-3 April 2011, ed. Lavidas Nikolaos, Thomai Alexiou, Sougari Areti Maria, and De Gruyter Open-Versita, Vol 20, No 1 (2014):495-510. Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL. Versita Ltd, 78 York Street, London W1H 1DP, Great Britain.: Versita.
Sionti, M., Claudino, L., Aloimonos, Y., Penstein Rose, C., and Markantonatou, S. (2014). “Semantic clusters combined with kinematics the case of English and Modern Greek motion verbs” in Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL, Thessaloniki 1-3 April 2011, Nikolaos, L., Alexiou, T., Areti Maria, S., and De Gruyter Open-Versita eds. Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL, vol. Vol 20, No 1 (2014), (Versita Ltd, 78 York Street, London W1H 1DP, Great Britain.: Versita), 495-510.
Sionti, M., et al., 2014. Semantic clusters combined with kinematics the case of English and Modern Greek motion verbs. In L. Nikolaos, et al., eds. Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL, Thessaloniki 1-3 April 2011. Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL. no.Vol 20, No 1 (2014) Versita Ltd, 78 York Street, London W1H 1DP, Great Britain.: Versita, pp. 495-510.
M. Sionti, et al., “Semantic clusters combined with kinematics the case of English and Modern Greek motion verbs”, Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL, Thessaloniki 1-3 April 2011, L. Nikolaos, et al., eds., Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL, vol. Vol 20, No 1 (2014), Versita Ltd, 78 York Street, London W1H 1DP, Great Britain.: Versita, 2014, pp.495-510.
Sionti, M., Claudino, L., Aloimonos, Y., Penstein Rose, C., Markantonatou, S.: Semantic clusters combined with kinematics the case of English and Modern Greek motion verbs. In: Nikolaos, L., Alexiou, T., Areti Maria, S., and De Gruyter Open-Versita (eds.) Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL, Thessaloniki 1-3 April 2011. Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL. Vol 20, No 1 (2014), p. 495-510. Versita, Versita Ltd, 78 York Street, London W1H 1DP, Great Britain. (2014).
Sionti, Marietta, Claudino, Leonardo, Aloimonos, Yiannis, Penstein Rose, Carolyn, and Markantonatou, Stella. “Semantic clusters combined with kinematics the case of English and Modern Greek motion verbs”. Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL, Thessaloniki 1-3 April 2011. Ed. Lavidas Nikolaos, Thomai Alexiou, Sougari Areti Maria, and De Gruyter Open-Versita. Versita Ltd, 78 York Street, London W1H 1DP, Great Britain.: Versita, 2014.Vol. Vol 20, No 1 (2014). Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics 1, Selected Papers from the 20th ISTAL. 495-510.

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