Proximity-Induced Superconductivity and Quantum Interference in Topological Crystalline Insulator SnTe Thin-Film Devices

Klett R, Schonle J, Becker A, Dyck D, Borisov K, Rott K, Ramermann D, Büker B, Haskenhoff J, Krieft J, Huebner T, et al. (2018)
NANO LETTERS 18(2): 1264-1268.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Topological crystalline insulators represent a new state of matter, in which the electronic transport is governed by mirror-symmetry protected Dirac surface states. Due to the helical spin-polarization of these surface states, the proximity of topological crystalline matter to a nearby superconductor is predicted to induce unconventional superconductivity and, thus, to host Majorana physics. We report on the preparation and characterization of Nb-based superconducting quantum interference devices patterned on top of topological crystalline insulator SnTe thin films. The SnTe films show weak anti-localization, and the weak links of the superconducting quantum interference devices (SQUID) exhibit fully gapped proximity-induced superconductivity. Both properties give a coinciding coherence length of 120 nm. The SQUID oscillations induced by a magnetic field show 2 pi periodicity, possibly dominated by the bulk conductivity.
Thin films; topological insulator; superconductivity; mesoscopic devices
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Klett R, Schonle J, Becker A, et al. Proximity-Induced Superconductivity and Quantum Interference in Topological Crystalline Insulator SnTe Thin-Film Devices. NANO LETTERS. 2018;18(2):1264-1268.
Klett, R., Schonle, J., Becker, A., Dyck, D., Borisov, K., Rott, K., Ramermann, D., et al. (2018). Proximity-Induced Superconductivity and Quantum Interference in Topological Crystalline Insulator SnTe Thin-Film Devices. NANO LETTERS, 18(2), 1264-1268.
Klett, Robin, Schonle, Joachim, Becker, Andreas, Dyck, Denis, Borisov, Kiril, Rott, Karsten, Ramermann, Daniela, et al. 2018. “Proximity-Induced Superconductivity and Quantum Interference in Topological Crystalline Insulator SnTe Thin-Film Devices”. NANO LETTERS 18 (2): 1264-1268.
Klett, R., Schonle, J., Becker, A., Dyck, D., Borisov, K., Rott, K., Ramermann, D., Büker, B., Haskenhoff, J., Krieft, J., et al. (2018). Proximity-Induced Superconductivity and Quantum Interference in Topological Crystalline Insulator SnTe Thin-Film Devices. NANO LETTERS 18, 1264-1268.
Klett, R., et al., 2018. Proximity-Induced Superconductivity and Quantum Interference in Topological Crystalline Insulator SnTe Thin-Film Devices. NANO LETTERS, 18(2), p 1264-1268.
R. Klett, et al., “Proximity-Induced Superconductivity and Quantum Interference in Topological Crystalline Insulator SnTe Thin-Film Devices”, NANO LETTERS, vol. 18, 2018, pp. 1264-1268.
Klett, R., Schonle, J., Becker, A., Dyck, D., Borisov, K., Rott, K., Ramermann, D., Büker, B., Haskenhoff, J., Krieft, J., Huebner, T., Reimer, O., Shelkar, C., Schmalhorst, J.-M., Hütten, A., Felser, C., Wernsdorfer, W., Reiss, G.: Proximity-Induced Superconductivity and Quantum Interference in Topological Crystalline Insulator SnTe Thin-Film Devices. NANO LETTERS. 18, 1264-1268 (2018).
Klett, Robin, Schonle, Joachim, Becker, Andreas, Dyck, Denis, Borisov, Kiril, Rott, Karsten, Ramermann, Daniela, Büker, Björn, Haskenhoff, Jan, Krieft, Jan, Huebner, Torsten, Reimer, Oliver, Shelkar, Chandra, Schmalhorst, Jan-Michael, Hütten, Andreas, Felser, Claudia, Wernsdorfer, Wolfgang, and Reiss, Günter. “Proximity-Induced Superconductivity and Quantum Interference in Topological Crystalline Insulator SnTe Thin-Film Devices”. NANO LETTERS 18.2 (2018): 1264-1268.

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Field-Tunable 0-π-Transitions in SnTe Topological Crystalline Insulator SQUIDs.
Schönle J, Borisov K, Klett R, Dyck D, Balestro F, Reiss G, Wernsdorfer W., Sci Rep 9(1), 2019
PMID: 30760767


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