Direct Growth of Patterned Graphene

Weber N-E, Wundrack S, Stosch R, Turchanin A (2016)
SMALL 12(11): 1440-1445.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Weber, Nils-Eike; Wundrack, Stefan; Stosch, Rainer; Turchanin, Andrey
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Weber N-E, Wundrack S, Stosch R, Turchanin A. Direct Growth of Patterned Graphene. SMALL. 2016;12(11):1440-1445.
Weber, N. - E., Wundrack, S., Stosch, R., & Turchanin, A. (2016). Direct Growth of Patterned Graphene. SMALL, 12(11), 1440-1445. doi:10.1002/smll.201502931
Weber, Nils-Eike, Wundrack, Stefan, Stosch, Rainer, and Turchanin, Andrey. 2016. “Direct Growth of Patterned Graphene”. SMALL 12 (11): 1440-1445.
Weber, N. - E., Wundrack, S., Stosch, R., and Turchanin, A. (2016). Direct Growth of Patterned Graphene. SMALL 12, 1440-1445.
Weber, N.-E., et al., 2016. Direct Growth of Patterned Graphene. SMALL, 12(11), p 1440-1445.
N.-E. Weber, et al., “Direct Growth of Patterned Graphene”, SMALL, vol. 12, 2016, pp. 1440-1445.
Weber, N.-E., Wundrack, S., Stosch, R., Turchanin, A.: Direct Growth of Patterned Graphene. SMALL. 12, 1440-1445 (2016).
Weber, Nils-Eike, Wundrack, Stefan, Stosch, Rainer, and Turchanin, Andrey. “Direct Growth of Patterned Graphene”. SMALL 12.11 (2016): 1440-1445.

5 Zitationen in Europe PMC

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