Endiandric Acid Derivatives and Other Constituents of Plants from the Genera Beilschmiedia and Endiandra (Lauraceae)

Lenta Ndjakou B, Chouna JR, Nkeng-Efouet PA, Sewald N (2015)
Biomolecules 5(2): 910-942.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Lenta Ndjakou, BrunoUniBi; Chouna, Jean Rodolphe; Nkeng-Efouet, Pepin Alango; Sewald, NorbertUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Plants of the Lauraceae family are widely used in traditional medicine and are sources of various classes of secondary metabolites. Two genera of this family, Beilschmiedia and Endiandra, have been the subject of numerous investigations over the past decades because of their application in traditional medicine. They are the only source of bioactive endiandric acid derivatives. Noteworthy is that their biosynthesis contains two consecutive non-enzymatic electrocyclic reactions. Several interesting biological activities for this specific class of secondary metabolites and other constituents of the two genera have been reported, including antimicrobial, enzymes inhibitory and cytotoxic properties. This review compiles information on the structures of the compounds described between January 1960 and March 2015, their biological activities and information on endiandric acid biosynthesis, with 104 references being cited.
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Lenta Ndjakou B, Chouna JR, Nkeng-Efouet PA, Sewald N. Endiandric Acid Derivatives and Other Constituents of Plants from the Genera Beilschmiedia and Endiandra (Lauraceae). Biomolecules . 2015;5(2):910-942.
Lenta Ndjakou, B., Chouna, J. R., Nkeng-Efouet, P. A., & Sewald, N. (2015). Endiandric Acid Derivatives and Other Constituents of Plants from the Genera Beilschmiedia and Endiandra (Lauraceae). Biomolecules , 5(2), 910-942. https://doi.org/10.3390/biom5020910
Lenta Ndjakou, Bruno, Chouna, Jean Rodolphe, Nkeng-Efouet, Pepin Alango, and Sewald, Norbert. 2015. “Endiandric Acid Derivatives and Other Constituents of Plants from the Genera Beilschmiedia and Endiandra (Lauraceae)”. Biomolecules 5 (2): 910-942.
Lenta Ndjakou, B., Chouna, J. R., Nkeng-Efouet, P. A., and Sewald, N. (2015). Endiandric Acid Derivatives and Other Constituents of Plants from the Genera Beilschmiedia and Endiandra (Lauraceae). Biomolecules 5, 910-942.
Lenta Ndjakou, B., et al., 2015. Endiandric Acid Derivatives and Other Constituents of Plants from the Genera Beilschmiedia and Endiandra (Lauraceae). Biomolecules , 5(2), p 910-942.
B. Lenta Ndjakou, et al., “Endiandric Acid Derivatives and Other Constituents of Plants from the Genera Beilschmiedia and Endiandra (Lauraceae)”, Biomolecules , vol. 5, 2015, pp. 910-942.
Lenta Ndjakou, B., Chouna, J.R., Nkeng-Efouet, P.A., Sewald, N.: Endiandric Acid Derivatives and Other Constituents of Plants from the Genera Beilschmiedia and Endiandra (Lauraceae). Biomolecules . 5, 910-942 (2015).
Lenta Ndjakou, Bruno, Chouna, Jean Rodolphe, Nkeng-Efouet, Pepin Alango, and Sewald, Norbert. “Endiandric Acid Derivatives and Other Constituents of Plants from the Genera Beilschmiedia and Endiandra (Lauraceae)”. Biomolecules 5.2 (2015): 910-942.

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