Learning and Using Abstract Words: Evidence from Clinical Populations

Lorusso ML, Burigo M, Tavano A, Milani A, Martelli S, Borgatti R, Molteni M (2017)
BioMed Research International 2017: 1-8.

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Lorusso, Maria Luisa; Burigo, Michele; Tavano, Alessandro; Milani, Anna; Martelli, Sara; Borgatti, Renato; Molteni, Massimo
BioMed Research International
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Lorusso ML, Burigo M, Tavano A, et al. Learning and Using Abstract Words: Evidence from Clinical Populations. BioMed Research International. 2017;2017:1-8.
Lorusso, M. L., Burigo, M., Tavano, A., Milani, A., Martelli, S., Borgatti, R., & Molteni, M. (2017). Learning and Using Abstract Words: Evidence from Clinical Populations. BioMed Research International, 2017, 1-8. doi:10.1155/2017/8627569
Lorusso, Maria Luisa, Burigo, Michele, Tavano, Alessandro, Milani, Anna, Martelli, Sara, Borgatti, Renato, and Molteni, Massimo. 2017. “Learning and Using Abstract Words: Evidence from Clinical Populations”. BioMed Research International 2017: 1-8.
Lorusso, M. L., Burigo, M., Tavano, A., Milani, A., Martelli, S., Borgatti, R., and Molteni, M. (2017). Learning and Using Abstract Words: Evidence from Clinical Populations. BioMed Research International 2017, 1-8.
Lorusso, M.L., et al., 2017. Learning and Using Abstract Words: Evidence from Clinical Populations. BioMed Research International, 2017, p 1-8.
M.L. Lorusso, et al., “Learning and Using Abstract Words: Evidence from Clinical Populations”, BioMed Research International, vol. 2017, 2017, pp. 1-8.
Lorusso, M.L., Burigo, M., Tavano, A., Milani, A., Martelli, S., Borgatti, R., Molteni, M.: Learning and Using Abstract Words: Evidence from Clinical Populations. BioMed Research International. 2017, 1-8 (2017).
Lorusso, Maria Luisa, Burigo, Michele, Tavano, Alessandro, Milani, Anna, Martelli, Sara, Borgatti, Renato, and Molteni, Massimo. “Learning and Using Abstract Words: Evidence from Clinical Populations”. BioMed Research International 2017 (2017): 1-8.

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