Environmental pollution in a growing economy with endogenous structural change
Bondarev A, Greiner A (2014) Working Papers in Economics and Management; 07-2014.
Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Abstract / Bemerkung
In this paper we study the impact of environmental pollution in an endogenous
growth model with endogenous structural change. The paper allows for both
horizontal and vertical innovations where newer technologies are less polluting
compared to older ones. The analysis shows that the presence of environmental
externalities stimulates structural change but reduces the growth rate of the
economy. Further, comparing the models with and without structural change
demonstrates that the latter implies stronger environmental damages and, consequently,
a lower growth rate than the first one. Finally, levying a tax on the
polluting output speeds up structural change, thus, reducing environmental pollution
and spurring economic growth.
Environmental Damages;
Endogenous Growth;
Creative Destruction;
Endogenous Structural Change
Working Papers in Economics and Management
Page URI
Bondarev A, Greiner A. Environmental pollution in a growing economy with endogenous structural change. Working Papers in Economics and Management. Vol 07-2014. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics; 2014.
Bondarev, A., & Greiner, A. (2014). Environmental pollution in a growing economy with endogenous structural change (Working Papers in Economics and Management, 07-2014). Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics. doi:10.4119/unibi/2915490
Bondarev, Anton, and Greiner, Alfred. 2014. Environmental pollution in a growing economy with endogenous structural change. Vol. 07-2014. Working Papers in Economics and Management. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics.
Bondarev, A., and Greiner, A. (2014). Environmental pollution in a growing economy with endogenous structural change. Working Papers in Economics and Management, 07-2014, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics.
Bondarev, A., & Greiner, A., 2014. Environmental pollution in a growing economy with endogenous structural change, Working Papers in Economics and Management, no.07-2014, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics.
A. Bondarev and A. Greiner, Environmental pollution in a growing economy with endogenous structural change, Working Papers in Economics and Management, vol. 07-2014, Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics, 2014.
Bondarev, A., Greiner, A.: Environmental pollution in a growing economy with endogenous structural change. Working Papers in Economics and Management, 07-2014. Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics, Bielefeld (2014).
Bondarev, Anton, and Greiner, Alfred. Environmental pollution in a growing economy with endogenous structural change. Bielefeld: Bielefeld University, Department of Business Administration and Economics, 2014. Working Papers in Economics and Management. 07-2014.
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