Infants are superior in implicit crossmodal learning and use other learning mechanisms than adults (shared first authorship)

Rohlf S, Habets B, von Frieling M, Röder B (2017)
eLife 6: e28166.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Rohlf, Sophie; Habets, BoukjeUniBi; von Frieling, Marco; Röder, Brigitte
Abstract / Bemerkung
During development internal models of the sensory world must be acquired which have to be continuously adapted later. We used event-related potentials (ERP) to test the hypothesis that infants extract crossmodal statistics implicitly while adults learn them when task relevant. Participants were passively exposed to frequent standard audio-visual combinations (A1V1, A2V2, p=0.35 each), rare recombinations of these standard stimuli (A1V2, A2V1, p=0.10 each), and a rare audio-visual deviant with infrequent auditory and visual elements (A3V3, p=0.10). While both six-month-old infants and adults differentiated between rare deviants and standards involving early neural processing stages only infants were sensitive to crossmodal statistics as indicated by a late ERP difference between standard and recombined stimuli. A second experiment revealed that adults differentiated recombined and standard combinations when crossmodal combinations were task relevant. These results demonstrate a heightened sensitivity for crossmodal statistics in infants and a change in learning mode from infancy to adulthood.
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Rohlf S, Habets B, von Frieling M, Röder B. Infants are superior in implicit crossmodal learning and use other learning mechanisms than adults (shared first authorship). eLife. 2017;6: e28166.
Rohlf, S., Habets, B., von Frieling, M., & Röder, B. (2017). Infants are superior in implicit crossmodal learning and use other learning mechanisms than adults (shared first authorship). eLife, 6, e28166. doi:10.7554/eLife.28166
Rohlf, Sophie, Habets, Boukje, von Frieling, Marco, and Röder, Brigitte. 2017. “Infants are superior in implicit crossmodal learning and use other learning mechanisms than adults (shared first authorship)”. eLife 6: e28166.
Rohlf, S., Habets, B., von Frieling, M., and Röder, B. (2017). Infants are superior in implicit crossmodal learning and use other learning mechanisms than adults (shared first authorship). eLife 6:e28166.
Rohlf, S., et al., 2017. Infants are superior in implicit crossmodal learning and use other learning mechanisms than adults (shared first authorship). eLife, 6: e28166.
S. Rohlf, et al., “Infants are superior in implicit crossmodal learning and use other learning mechanisms than adults (shared first authorship)”, eLife, vol. 6, 2017, : e28166.
Rohlf, S., Habets, B., von Frieling, M., Röder, B.: Infants are superior in implicit crossmodal learning and use other learning mechanisms than adults (shared first authorship). eLife. 6, : e28166 (2017).
Rohlf, Sophie, Habets, Boukje, von Frieling, Marco, and Röder, Brigitte. “Infants are superior in implicit crossmodal learning and use other learning mechanisms than adults (shared first authorship)”. eLife 6 (2017): e28166.

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