Klima|Anlage - Performing Climate Data

Groß-Vogt K, Hermann T, Jury MW, Steiner AK, Kartadinata S (2019)
In: Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Climate Change Across Various Audiences. Leal Filho W, Lackner B, McGhie H (Eds); Climate Change Management. Cham: Springer: 339-355.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Groß-Vogt, Katharina; Hermann, ThomasUniBi ; Jury, Martin W.; Steiner, Andrea K.; Kartadinata, Sukandar
Leal Filho, Walter; Lackner, Bettina; McGhie, Henry
Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Climate Change Across Various Audiences
Climate Change Management
Climate Change Communication Symposium 2018
2018-02-07 – 2018-02-09
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Groß-Vogt K, Hermann T, Jury MW, Steiner AK, Kartadinata S. Klima|Anlage - Performing Climate Data. In: Leal Filho W, Lackner B, McGhie H, eds. Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Climate Change Across Various Audiences. Climate Change Management. Cham: Springer; 2019: 339-355.
Groß-Vogt, K., Hermann, T., Jury, M. W., Steiner, A. K., & Kartadinata, S. (2019). Klima|Anlage - Performing Climate Data. In W. Leal Filho, B. Lackner, & H. McGhie (Eds.), Climate Change Management. Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Climate Change Across Various Audiences (pp. 339-355). Cham: Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-98294-6_21
Groß-Vogt, Katharina, Hermann, Thomas, Jury, Martin W., Steiner, Andrea K., and Kartadinata, Sukandar. 2019. “Klima|Anlage - Performing Climate Data”. In Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Climate Change Across Various Audiences, ed. Walter Leal Filho, Bettina Lackner, and Henry McGhie, 339-355. Climate Change Management. Cham: Springer.
Groß-Vogt, K., Hermann, T., Jury, M. W., Steiner, A. K., and Kartadinata, S. (2019). “Klima|Anlage - Performing Climate Data” in Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Climate Change Across Various Audiences, Leal Filho, W., Lackner, B., and McGhie, H. eds. Climate Change Management (Cham: Springer), 339-355.
Groß-Vogt, K., et al., 2019. Klima|Anlage - Performing Climate Data. In W. Leal Filho, B. Lackner, & H. McGhie, eds. Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Climate Change Across Various Audiences. Climate Change Management. Cham: Springer, pp. 339-355.
K. Groß-Vogt, et al., “Klima|Anlage - Performing Climate Data”, Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Climate Change Across Various Audiences, W. Leal Filho, B. Lackner, and H. McGhie, eds., Climate Change Management, Cham: Springer, 2019, pp.339-355.
Groß-Vogt, K., Hermann, T., Jury, M.W., Steiner, A.K., Kartadinata, S.: Klima|Anlage - Performing Climate Data. In: Leal Filho, W., Lackner, B., and McGhie, H. (eds.) Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Climate Change Across Various Audiences. Climate Change Management. p. 339-355. Springer, Cham (2019).
Groß-Vogt, Katharina, Hermann, Thomas, Jury, Martin W., Steiner, Andrea K., and Kartadinata, Sukandar. “Klima|Anlage - Performing Climate Data”. Addressing the Challenges in Communicating Climate Change Across Various Audiences. Ed. Walter Leal Filho, Bettina Lackner, and Henry McGhie. Cham: Springer, 2019. Climate Change Management. 339-355.
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Supplementary Material for "Klima|Anlage - Performing Climate Data"
Groß-Vogt K, Hermann T, Jury MW, Steiner AK, Kartadinata S (2018)
Bielefeld University.

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