Interactions between eye movement systems in cats and humans
Moeller GU, Kayser C, Knecht F, Konig P (2004)
Exp Brain Res 157(2): 215-24.
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Moeller, G. U.;
Kayser, ChristophUniBi
Knecht, F.;
Konig, P.

Animals Cats Eye Movements/ physiology Female Humans Male Motion Perception/ physiology Photic Stimulation/ methods Species Specificity
Exp Brain Res
0014-4819 (Print) 0014-4819 (Linking)
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Moeller GU, Kayser C, Knecht F, Konig P. Interactions between eye movement systems in cats and humans. Exp Brain Res. 2004;157(2):215-24.
Moeller, G. U., Kayser, C., Knecht, F., & Konig, P. (2004). Interactions between eye movement systems in cats and humans. Exp Brain Res, 157(2), 215-24. doi:10.1007/s00221-004-1835-z
Moeller, G. U., Kayser, Christoph, Knecht, F., and Konig, P. 2004. “Interactions between eye movement systems in cats and humans”. Exp Brain Res 157 (2): 215-24.
Moeller, G. U., Kayser, C., Knecht, F., and Konig, P. (2004). Interactions between eye movement systems in cats and humans. Exp Brain Res 157, 215-24.
Moeller, G.U., et al., 2004. Interactions between eye movement systems in cats and humans. Exp Brain Res, 157(2), p 215-24.
G.U. Moeller, et al., “Interactions between eye movement systems in cats and humans”, Exp Brain Res, vol. 157, 2004, pp. 215-24.
Moeller, G.U., Kayser, C., Knecht, F., Konig, P.: Interactions between eye movement systems in cats and humans. Exp Brain Res. 157, 215-24 (2004).
Moeller, G. U., Kayser, Christoph, Knecht, F., and Konig, P. “Interactions between eye movement systems in cats and humans”. Exp Brain Res 157.2 (2004): 215-24.
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5 Zitationen in Europe PMC
Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.
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