Asymmetric multisensory interactions of visual and somatosensory responses in a region of the rat parietal cortex
Lippert MT, Takagaki K, Kayser C, Ohl FW (2013)
PLoS One 8(5): e63631.
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Lippert MT, Takagaki K, Kayser C, Ohl FW. Asymmetric multisensory interactions of visual and somatosensory responses in a region of the rat parietal cortex. PLoS One. 2013;8(5): e63631.
Lippert, M. T., Takagaki, K., Kayser, C., & Ohl, F. W. (2013). Asymmetric multisensory interactions of visual and somatosensory responses in a region of the rat parietal cortex. PLoS One, 8(5), e63631. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0063631
Lippert, M. T., Takagaki, K., Kayser, Christoph, and Ohl, F. W. 2013. “Asymmetric multisensory interactions of visual and somatosensory responses in a region of the rat parietal cortex”. PLoS One 8 (5): e63631.
Lippert, M. T., Takagaki, K., Kayser, C., and Ohl, F. W. (2013). Asymmetric multisensory interactions of visual and somatosensory responses in a region of the rat parietal cortex. PLoS One 8:e63631.
Lippert, M.T., et al., 2013. Asymmetric multisensory interactions of visual and somatosensory responses in a region of the rat parietal cortex. PLoS One, 8(5): e63631.
M.T. Lippert, et al., “Asymmetric multisensory interactions of visual and somatosensory responses in a region of the rat parietal cortex”, PLoS One, vol. 8, 2013, : e63631.
Lippert, M.T., Takagaki, K., Kayser, C., Ohl, F.W.: Asymmetric multisensory interactions of visual and somatosensory responses in a region of the rat parietal cortex. PLoS One. 8, : e63631 (2013).
Lippert, M. T., Takagaki, K., Kayser, Christoph, and Ohl, F. W. “Asymmetric multisensory interactions of visual and somatosensory responses in a region of the rat parietal cortex”. PLoS One 8.5 (2013): e63631.
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10 Zitationen in Europe PMC
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