Sounds facilitate visual motion discrimination via the enhancement of late occipital visual representations
Kayser S, Philiastides MG, Kayser C (2017)
Neuroimage 148: 31-41.
Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Englisch

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Kayser S, Philiastides MG, Kayser C. Sounds facilitate visual motion discrimination via the enhancement of late occipital visual representations. Neuroimage. 2017;148:31-41.
Kayser, S., Philiastides, M. G., & Kayser, C. (2017). Sounds facilitate visual motion discrimination via the enhancement of late occipital visual representations. Neuroimage, 148, 31-41. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2017.01.010
Kayser, Stephanie, Philiastides, M. G., and Kayser, Christoph. 2017. “Sounds facilitate visual motion discrimination via the enhancement of late occipital visual representations”. Neuroimage 148: 31-41.
Kayser, S., Philiastides, M. G., and Kayser, C. (2017). Sounds facilitate visual motion discrimination via the enhancement of late occipital visual representations. Neuroimage 148, 31-41.
Kayser, S., Philiastides, M.G., & Kayser, C., 2017. Sounds facilitate visual motion discrimination via the enhancement of late occipital visual representations. Neuroimage, 148, p 31-41.
S. Kayser, M.G. Philiastides, and C. Kayser, “Sounds facilitate visual motion discrimination via the enhancement of late occipital visual representations”, Neuroimage, vol. 148, 2017, pp. 31-41.
Kayser, S., Philiastides, M.G., Kayser, C.: Sounds facilitate visual motion discrimination via the enhancement of late occipital visual representations. Neuroimage. 148, 31-41 (2017).
Kayser, Stephanie, Philiastides, M. G., and Kayser, Christoph. “Sounds facilitate visual motion discrimination via the enhancement of late occipital visual representations”. Neuroimage 148 (2017): 31-41.
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