Texture signals in whisker vibrations
Hipp J, Arabzadeh E, Zorzin E, Conradt J, Kayser C, Diamond ME, Konig P (2006)
J Neurophysiol 95(3): 1792-9.
Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Englisch
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Hipp, J.;
Arabzadeh, E.;
Zorzin, E.;
Conradt, J.;
Kayser, ChristophUniBi
Diamond, M. E.;
Konig, P.
Action Potentials/ physiology Afferent Pathways/physiology Animals Biomimetics/instrumentation/ methods Computer Simulation Discrimination Learning/ physiology Male Mechanoreceptors/ physiology Models;
Neurological Movement/physiology Physical Stimulation/instrumentation/methods Rats Rats;
Wistar Sensory Thresholds/physiology Space Perception/physiology Surface Properties Touch/ physiology Vibration Vibrissae/ physiology
J Neurophysiol
0022-3077 (Print) 0022-3077 (Linking)
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Hipp J, Arabzadeh E, Zorzin E, et al. Texture signals in whisker vibrations. J Neurophysiol. 2006;95(3):1792-9.
Hipp, J., Arabzadeh, E., Zorzin, E., Conradt, J., Kayser, C., Diamond, M. E., & Konig, P. (2006). Texture signals in whisker vibrations. J Neurophysiol, 95(3), 1792-9. doi:10.1152/jn.01104.2005
Hipp, J., Arabzadeh, E., Zorzin, E., Conradt, J., Kayser, Christoph, Diamond, M. E., and Konig, P. 2006. “Texture signals in whisker vibrations”. J Neurophysiol 95 (3): 1792-9.
Hipp, J., Arabzadeh, E., Zorzin, E., Conradt, J., Kayser, C., Diamond, M. E., and Konig, P. (2006). Texture signals in whisker vibrations. J Neurophysiol 95, 1792-9.
Hipp, J., et al., 2006. Texture signals in whisker vibrations. J Neurophysiol, 95(3), p 1792-9.
J. Hipp, et al., “Texture signals in whisker vibrations”, J Neurophysiol, vol. 95, 2006, pp. 1792-9.
Hipp, J., Arabzadeh, E., Zorzin, E., Conradt, J., Kayser, C., Diamond, M.E., Konig, P.: Texture signals in whisker vibrations. J Neurophysiol. 95, 1792-9 (2006).
Hipp, J., Arabzadeh, E., Zorzin, E., Conradt, J., Kayser, Christoph, Diamond, M. E., and Konig, P. “Texture signals in whisker vibrations”. J Neurophysiol 95.3 (2006): 1792-9.
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52 Zitationen in Europe PMC
Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.
Organization of sensory feature selectivity in the whisker system.
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Design principles of hair-like structures as biological machines.
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Biomechanical Texture Coding in Rat Whiskers.
Oladazimi M, Brendel W, Schwarz C., Sci Rep 8(1), 2018
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Oladazimi M, Brendel W, Schwarz C., Sci Rep 8(1), 2018
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Effect of whisker geometry on contact force produced by vibrissae moving at different velocities.
Carvell GE, Simons DJ., J Neurophysiol 118(3), 2017
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Carvell GE, Simons DJ., J Neurophysiol 118(3), 2017
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Vibrotactile discrimination in the rat whisker system is based on neuronal coding of instantaneous kinematic cues.
Waiblinger C, Brugger D, Schwarz C., Cereb Cortex 25(4), 2015
PMID: 24169940
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Parallel coding schemes of whisker velocity in the rat's somatosensory system.
Lottem E, Gugig E, Azouz R., J Neurophysiol 113(6), 2015
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Lottem E, Gugig E, Azouz R., J Neurophysiol 113(6), 2015
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Wideband phase locking to modulated whisker vibration point to a temporal code for texture in the rat's barrel cortex.
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Support for the slip hypothesis from whisker-related tactile perception of rats in a noisy environment.
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Natural scenes in tactile texture.
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Microvibrissae-based texture discrimination.
Kuruppath P, Gugig E, Azouz R., J Neurosci 34(15), 2014
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Texture coarseness responsive neurons and their mapping in layer 2-3 of the rat barrel cortex in vivo.
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Populations of striatal medium spiny neurons encode vibrotactile frequency in rats: modulation by slow wave oscillations.
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Diffuse traumatic brain injury and the sensory brain.
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Low-dimensional sensory feature representation by trigeminal primary afferents.
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Weaker feedforward inhibition accounts for less pronounced thalamocortical response transformation in mouse vs. rat barrels.
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Optimal decision-making in mammals: insights from a robot study of rodent texture discrimination.
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Whisker encoding of mechanical events during active tactile exploration.
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Unsupervised quantification of whisking and head movement in freely moving rodents.
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Electrophysiological characterization of texture information slip-resistance dependent in the rat vibrissal nerve.
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Integration of vibrotactile signals for whisker-related perception in rats is governed by short time constants: comparison of neurometric and psychometric detection performance.
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Discrimination of vibrotactile stimuli in the rat whisker system: behavior and neurometrics.
Gerdjikov TV, Bergner CG, Stüttgen MC, Waiblinger C, Schwarz C., Neuron 65(4), 2010
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Self-motion and the shaping of sensory signals.
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Texture coding in the whisker system.
Jadhav SP, Feldman DE., Curr Opin Neurobiol 20(3), 2010
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The Matrix: a new tool for probing the whisker-to-barrel system with natural stimuli.
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Correlated physiological and perceptual effects of noise in a tactile stimulus.
Lak A, Arabzadeh E, Harris JA, Diamond ME., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107(17), 2010
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Lak A, Arabzadeh E, Harris JA, Diamond ME., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 107(17), 2010
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Information Carried by Population Spike Times in the Whisker Sensory Cortex can be Decoded Without Knowledge of Stimulus Time.
Panzeri S, Diamond ME., Front Synaptic Neurosci 2(), 2010
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Orthogonal coding of object location.
Knutsen PM, Ahissar E., Trends Neurosci 32(2), 2009
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Neural coding and contextual influences in the whisker system.
Petersen RS, Panzeri S, Maravall M., Biol Cybern 100(6), 2009
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Petersen RS, Panzeri S, Maravall M., Biol Cybern 100(6), 2009
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Early frequency-dependent information processing and cortical control in the whisker pathway of the rat: electrophysiological study of brainstem nuclei principalis and interpolaris.
Sanchez-Jimenez A, Panetsos F, Murciano A., Neuroscience 160(1), 2009
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Mechanisms of tactile information transmission through whisker vibrations.
Lottem E, Azouz R., J Neurosci 29(37), 2009
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The brain in its body: motor control and sensing in a biomechanical context.
Chiel HJ, Ting LH, Ekeberg O, Hartmann MJ., J Neurosci 29(41), 2009
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Information processing streams in rodent barrel cortex: the differential functions of barrel and septal circuits.
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Enhanced response of neurons in rat somatosensory cortex to stimuli containing temporal noise.
Lak A, Arabzadeh E, Diamond ME., Cereb Cortex 18(5), 2008
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Embodied information processing: vibrissa mechanics and texture features shape micromotions in actively sensing rats.
Ritt JT, Andermann ML, Moore CI., Neuron 57(4), 2008
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'Where' and 'what' in the whisker sensorimotor system.
Diamond ME, von Heimendahl M, Knutsen PM, Kleinfeld D, Ahissar E., Nat Rev Neurosci 9(8), 2008
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Diamond ME, von Heimendahl M, Knutsen PM, Kleinfeld D, Ahissar E., Nat Rev Neurosci 9(8), 2008
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Texture coding in the rat whisker system: slip-stick versus differential resonance.
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Wolfe J, Hill DN, Pahlavan S, Drew PJ, Kleinfeld D, Feldman DE., PLoS Biol 6(8), 2008
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Whisker-mediated texture discrimination.
Diamond ME, von Heimendahl M, Arabzadeh E., PLoS Biol 6(8), 2008
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Diamond ME, von Heimendahl M, Arabzadeh E., PLoS Biol 6(8), 2008
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Dynamic translation of surface coarseness into whisker vibrations.
Lottem E, Azouz R., J Neurophysiol 100(5), 2008
PMID: 18799602
Lottem E, Azouz R., J Neurophysiol 100(5), 2008
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Rapid changes in thalamic firing synchrony during repetitive whisker stimulation.
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Response to: Ritt et al., "embodied information processing: vibrissa mechanics and texture features shape micromotions in actively sensing rats." Neuron 57, 599-613.
Diamond ME, von Heimendahl M, Itskov P, Arabzadeh E., Neuron 60(5), 2008
PMID: 19081370
Diamond ME, von Heimendahl M, Itskov P, Arabzadeh E., Neuron 60(5), 2008
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Diverse and temporally precise kinetic feature selectivity in the VPm thalamic nucleus.
Petersen RS, Brambilla M, Bale MR, Alenda A, Panzeri S, Montemurro MA, Maravall M., Neuron 60(5), 2008
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Petersen RS, Brambilla M, Bale MR, Alenda A, Panzeri S, Montemurro MA, Maravall M., Neuron 60(5), 2008
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Responses of trigeminal ganglion neurons during natural whisking behaviors in the awake rat.
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Active spatial perception in the vibrissa scanning sensorimotor system.
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Shifts in coding properties and maintenance of information transmission during adaptation in barrel cortex.
Maravall M, Petersen RS, Fairhall AL, Arabzadeh E, Diamond ME., PLoS Biol 5(2), 2007
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Maravall M, Petersen RS, Fairhall AL, Arabzadeh E, Diamond ME., PLoS Biol 5(2), 2007
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Sensory integration and remapping in a model of the medial temporal lobe during maze navigation by a brain-based device.
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Using hardware models to quantify sensory data acquisition across the rat vibrissal array.
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Neuronal activity in rat barrel cortex underlying texture discrimination.
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Good vibrations. Focus on "texture signals in whisker vibrations".
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Active sensation: insights from the rodent vibrissa sensorimotor system.
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Deciphering the spike train of a sensory neuron: counts and temporal patterns in the rat whisker pathway.
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Stimulus dependence of barrel cortex directional selectivity.
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