Transferable Organic Semiconductor Nanosheets for Application in Electronic Devices

Noever SJ, Eder M, del Giudice F, Martin J, Werkmeister FX, Hallwig S, Fischer S, Seeck O, Weber N-E, Liewald C, Keilmann F, et al. (2017)
ADVANCED MATERIALS 29(26): 1606283.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Noever, Simon J.; Eder, Michael; del Giudice, Fabio; Martin, Jan; Werkmeister, Franz X.; Hallwig, Stefan; Fischer, Stefan; Seeck, Oliver; Weber, Nils-Eike; Liewald, Clemens; Keilmann, Fritz; Turchanin, Andrey
Abstract / Bemerkung
A method has been developed to stabilize and transfer nanofilms of functional organic semiconductors. The method is based on crosslinking of their topmost layers by low energy electron irradiation. The films can then be detached from their original substrates and subsequently deposited onto new solid or holey substrates retaining their structural integrity. Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, X-ray specular reflectivity, and UV-Vis spectroscopy measurements reveal that the electron irradiation of similar or equal to 50 nm thick pentacene films results in crosslinking of their only topmost similar or equal to 5 nm (3-4 monolayers), whereas the deeper pentacene layers preserve their pristine crystallinity. The electronic performance of the transferred pentacene nanosheets in bottom contact field-effect devices is studied and it is found that they are fully functional and demonstrate superior charge injection properties in comparison to the pentacene films directly grown on the contact structures by vapor deposition. The new approach paves the way to integration of the organic semiconductor nanofilms on substrates unfavorable for their direct growth as well as to their implementation in hybrid devices with unusual geometries, e.g., in devices incorporating free-standing sheets.
2D materials; electronic devices; nanosheets; organic semiconductors; pentacene
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Noever SJ, Eder M, del Giudice F, et al. Transferable Organic Semiconductor Nanosheets for Application in Electronic Devices. ADVANCED MATERIALS. 2017;29(26): 1606283.
Noever, S. J., Eder, M., del Giudice, F., Martin, J., Werkmeister, F. X., Hallwig, S., Fischer, S., et al. (2017). Transferable Organic Semiconductor Nanosheets for Application in Electronic Devices. ADVANCED MATERIALS, 29(26), 1606283. doi:10.1002/adma.201606283
Noever, Simon J., Eder, Michael, del Giudice, Fabio, Martin, Jan, Werkmeister, Franz X., Hallwig, Stefan, Fischer, Stefan, et al. 2017. “Transferable Organic Semiconductor Nanosheets for Application in Electronic Devices”. ADVANCED MATERIALS 29 (26): 1606283.
Noever, S. J., Eder, M., del Giudice, F., Martin, J., Werkmeister, F. X., Hallwig, S., Fischer, S., Seeck, O., Weber, N. - E., Liewald, C., et al. (2017). Transferable Organic Semiconductor Nanosheets for Application in Electronic Devices. ADVANCED MATERIALS 29:1606283.
Noever, S.J., et al., 2017. Transferable Organic Semiconductor Nanosheets for Application in Electronic Devices. ADVANCED MATERIALS, 29(26): 1606283.
S.J. Noever, et al., “Transferable Organic Semiconductor Nanosheets for Application in Electronic Devices”, ADVANCED MATERIALS, vol. 29, 2017, : 1606283.
Noever, S.J., Eder, M., del Giudice, F., Martin, J., Werkmeister, F.X., Hallwig, S., Fischer, S., Seeck, O., Weber, N.-E., Liewald, C., Keilmann, F., Turchanin, A., Nickel, B.: Transferable Organic Semiconductor Nanosheets for Application in Electronic Devices. ADVANCED MATERIALS. 29, : 1606283 (2017).
Noever, Simon J., Eder, Michael, del Giudice, Fabio, Martin, Jan, Werkmeister, Franz X., Hallwig, Stefan, Fischer, Stefan, Seeck, Oliver, Weber, Nils-Eike, Liewald, Clemens, Keilmann, Fritz, Turchanin, Andrey, and Nickel, Bert. “Transferable Organic Semiconductor Nanosheets for Application in Electronic Devices”. ADVANCED MATERIALS 29.26 (2017): 1606283.

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