Conclusion: Characteristics, Experiences and Transnationality of Temporary Migration

Pitkänen P, Korpela M, Schmidt K, Aksakal M (2017)
In: Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces. Pitkänen P, Korpela M, Aksakal M, Schmidt K (Eds); International Perspectives on Migration, 14. Cham: Springer: 233-247.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Pitkänen, Pirkko; Korpela, Mari; Schmidt, KerstinUniBi ; Aksakal, MustafaUniBi
Pitkänen, Pirkko; Korpela, Mari; Aksakal, Mustafa; Schmidt, Kerstin
Abstract / Bemerkung
Besides uncovering how politics structure the transnational movement issues in sending, transit and receiving societies, the previous chapters sought to make the transnational practices and lived experiences of individual temporary migrants visible. Since the 1990s scholars have explored the dynamics of transnational migration with an emphasis on the emergence of transnational spaces that transcend geographic, political, social and cultural borders (e.g. Faist 2000; Portes et al. 1999). What this literature has not done sufficiently is to explain the implications of the temporariness of migration with respect to these dynamics. The EURA-NET research sought to shed light on the everyday experiences of temporary migrants in the European-Asian transnational social spaces. Answers were sought to the following questions: (1) Why do people migrate on a temporary basis and not permanently? (2) What are the daily experiences of various types of temporary migrants? (3) How does temporariness affect their migration experiences? (4) How does temporary migrants’ transnationalism appear in the European-Asian transnational social spaces?
Transnationalism; Temporary migration; Europe; Asia
Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces
International Perspectives on Migration
233 - 247
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Pitkänen P, Korpela M, Schmidt K, Aksakal M. Conclusion: Characteristics, Experiences and Transnationality of Temporary Migration. In: Pitkänen P, Korpela M, Aksakal M, Schmidt K, eds. Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces. International Perspectives on Migration. Vol 14. Cham: Springer; 2017: 233-247.
Pitkänen, P., Korpela, M., Schmidt, K., & Aksakal, M. (2017). Conclusion: Characteristics, Experiences and Transnationality of Temporary Migration. In P. Pitkänen, M. Korpela, M. Aksakal, & K. Schmidt (Eds.), International Perspectives on Migration: Vol. 14. Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces (pp. 233-247). Cham: Springer.
Pitkänen, Pirkko, Korpela, Mari, Schmidt, Kerstin, and Aksakal, Mustafa. 2017. “Conclusion: Characteristics, Experiences and Transnationality of Temporary Migration”. In Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces, ed. Pirkko Pitkänen, Mari Korpela, Mustafa Aksakal, and Kerstin Schmidt, 14:233-247. International Perspectives on Migration. Cham: Springer.
Pitkänen, P., Korpela, M., Schmidt, K., and Aksakal, M. (2017). “Conclusion: Characteristics, Experiences and Transnationality of Temporary Migration” in Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces, Pitkänen, P., Korpela, M., Aksakal, M., and Schmidt, K. eds. International Perspectives on Migration, vol. 14, (Cham: Springer), 233-247.
Pitkänen, P., et al., 2017. Conclusion: Characteristics, Experiences and Transnationality of Temporary Migration. In P. Pitkänen, et al., eds. Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces. International Perspectives on Migration. no.14 Cham: Springer, pp. 233-247.
P. Pitkänen, et al., “Conclusion: Characteristics, Experiences and Transnationality of Temporary Migration”, Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces, P. Pitkänen, et al., eds., International Perspectives on Migration, vol. 14, Cham: Springer, 2017, pp.233-247.
Pitkänen, P., Korpela, M., Schmidt, K., Aksakal, M.: Conclusion: Characteristics, Experiences and Transnationality of Temporary Migration. In: Pitkänen, P., Korpela, M., Aksakal, M., and Schmidt, K. (eds.) Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces. International Perspectives on Migration. 14, p. 233-247. Springer, Cham (2017).
Pitkänen, Pirkko, Korpela, Mari, Schmidt, Kerstin, and Aksakal, Mustafa. “Conclusion: Characteristics, Experiences and Transnationality of Temporary Migration”. Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces. Ed. Pirkko Pitkänen, Mari Korpela, Mustafa Aksakal, and Kerstin Schmidt. Cham: Springer, 2017.Vol. 14. International Perspectives on Migration. 233-247.
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Characteristics of Temporary Migration in European-Asian Transnational Social Spaces
Pitkänen P, Korpela M, Aksakal M, Schmidt K (Eds) (2018) International Perspectives on Migration.
Cham: Springer.

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