Patients with Parkinson's disease show deficits in compensatory motor pathways during externally paced finger movements.

Wu C, Hamm J, Lim V, Kirk I (2011)
Presented at the Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research, Queenstown, New Zealand.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Englisch
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Wu, CarolynUniBi ; Hamm, Jeffrey; Lim, Vanessa; Kirk, Ian
Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research
Queenstown, New Zealand
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Wu C, Hamm J, Lim V, Kirk I. Patients with Parkinson's disease show deficits in compensatory motor pathways during externally paced finger movements. Presented at the Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Wu, C., Hamm, J., Lim, V., & Kirk, I. (2011). Patients with Parkinson's disease show deficits in compensatory motor pathways during externally paced finger movements.. Presented at the Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Wu, Carolyn, Hamm, Jeffrey, Lim, Vanessa, and Kirk, Ian. 2011. “Patients with Parkinson's disease show deficits in compensatory motor pathways during externally paced finger movements.”. Presented at the Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research, Queenstown, New Zealand .
Wu, C., Hamm, J., Lim, V., and Kirk, I. (2011).“Patients with Parkinson's disease show deficits in compensatory motor pathways during externally paced finger movements.”. Presented at the Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research, Queenstown, New Zealand.
Wu, C., et al., 2011. Patients with Parkinson's disease show deficits in compensatory motor pathways during externally paced finger movements. Presented at the Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research, Queenstown, New Zealand.
C. Wu, et al., “Patients with Parkinson's disease show deficits in compensatory motor pathways during externally paced finger movements.”, Presented at the Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research, Queenstown, New Zealand, 2011.
Wu, C., Hamm, J., Lim, V., Kirk, I.: Patients with Parkinson's disease show deficits in compensatory motor pathways during externally paced finger movements. Presented at the Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research, Queenstown, New Zealand (2011).
Wu, Carolyn, Hamm, Jeffrey, Lim, Vanessa, and Kirk, Ian. “Patients with Parkinson's disease show deficits in compensatory motor pathways during externally paced finger movements.”. Presented at the Australasian Winter Conference on Brain Research, Queenstown, New Zealand, 2011.

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