The neural networks involved in pitch labeling of absolute pitch musicians
Wu C, Kirk IJ, Hamm JP, Lim VK (2008)
NeuroReport 19(8): 851-854.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Wu, CarolynUniBi
Kirk, Ian J.;
Hamm, Jeff P.;
Lim, Vanessa K.

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Wu C, Kirk IJ, Hamm JP, Lim VK. The neural networks involved in pitch labeling of absolute pitch musicians. NeuroReport. 2008;19(8):851-854.
Wu, C., Kirk, I. J., Hamm, J. P., & Lim, V. K. (2008). The neural networks involved in pitch labeling of absolute pitch musicians. NeuroReport, 19(8), 851-854. doi:10.1097/wnr.0b013e3282ff63b1
Wu, Carolyn, Kirk, Ian J., Hamm, Jeff P., and Lim, Vanessa K. 2008. “The neural networks involved in pitch labeling of absolute pitch musicians”. NeuroReport 19 (8): 851-854.
Wu, C., Kirk, I. J., Hamm, J. P., and Lim, V. K. (2008). The neural networks involved in pitch labeling of absolute pitch musicians. NeuroReport 19, 851-854.
Wu, C., et al., 2008. The neural networks involved in pitch labeling of absolute pitch musicians. NeuroReport, 19(8), p 851-854.
C. Wu, et al., “The neural networks involved in pitch labeling of absolute pitch musicians”, NeuroReport, vol. 19, 2008, pp. 851-854.
Wu, C., Kirk, I.J., Hamm, J.P., Lim, V.K.: The neural networks involved in pitch labeling of absolute pitch musicians. NeuroReport. 19, 851-854 (2008).
Wu, Carolyn, Kirk, Ian J., Hamm, Jeff P., and Lim, Vanessa K. “The neural networks involved in pitch labeling of absolute pitch musicians”. NeuroReport 19.8 (2008): 851-854.
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14 Zitationen in Europe PMC
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