Effects of aerobic exercise on brain metabolism and grey matter volume in older adults: results of the randomized controlled SMART trial

Matura S, Fleckenstein J, Deichmann R, Engeroff T, Füzéki E, Hattingen E, Hellweg R, Lienerth B, Pilaus U, Schwarz S, Tesky V, et al. (2017)
Translational Psychiatry 7(7): e1172.

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Matura, Silke; Fleckenstein, Johannes; Deichmann, Ralf; Engeroff, Tobias; Füzéki, Eszter; Hattingen, Elke; Hellweg, Rainer; Lienerth, Bianca; Pilaus, Ulrich; Schwarz, SinaUniBi ; Tesky, Valentina; Vogt, Lutz
Translational Psychiatry
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Matura S, Fleckenstein J, Deichmann R, et al. Effects of aerobic exercise on brain metabolism and grey matter volume in older adults: results of the randomized controlled SMART trial. Translational Psychiatry. 2017;7(7): e1172.
Matura, S., Fleckenstein, J., Deichmann, R., Engeroff, T., Füzéki, E., Hattingen, E., Hellweg, R., et al. (2017). Effects of aerobic exercise on brain metabolism and grey matter volume in older adults: results of the randomized controlled SMART trial. Translational Psychiatry, 7(7), e1172. doi:10.1038/tp.2017.135
Matura, Silke, Fleckenstein, Johannes, Deichmann, Ralf, Engeroff, Tobias, Füzéki, Eszter, Hattingen, Elke, Hellweg, Rainer, et al. 2017. “Effects of aerobic exercise on brain metabolism and grey matter volume in older adults: results of the randomized controlled SMART trial”. Translational Psychiatry 7 (7): e1172.
Matura, S., Fleckenstein, J., Deichmann, R., Engeroff, T., Füzéki, E., Hattingen, E., Hellweg, R., Lienerth, B., Pilaus, U., Schwarz, S., et al. (2017). Effects of aerobic exercise on brain metabolism and grey matter volume in older adults: results of the randomized controlled SMART trial. Translational Psychiatry 7:e1172.
Matura, S., et al., 2017. Effects of aerobic exercise on brain metabolism and grey matter volume in older adults: results of the randomized controlled SMART trial. Translational Psychiatry, 7(7): e1172.
S. Matura, et al., “Effects of aerobic exercise on brain metabolism and grey matter volume in older adults: results of the randomized controlled SMART trial”, Translational Psychiatry, vol. 7, 2017, : e1172.
Matura, S., Fleckenstein, J., Deichmann, R., Engeroff, T., Füzéki, E., Hattingen, E., Hellweg, R., Lienerth, B., Pilaus, U., Schwarz, S., Tesky, V., Vogt, L., Banzer, W., Pantel, J.: Effects of aerobic exercise on brain metabolism and grey matter volume in older adults: results of the randomized controlled SMART trial. Translational Psychiatry. 7, : e1172 (2017).
Matura, Silke, Fleckenstein, Johannes, Deichmann, Ralf, Engeroff, Tobias, Füzéki, Eszter, Hattingen, Elke, Hellweg, Rainer, Lienerth, Bianca, Pilaus, Ulrich, Schwarz, Sina, Tesky, Valentina, Vogt, Lutz, Banzer, Winfried, and Pantel, Johannes. “Effects of aerobic exercise on brain metabolism and grey matter volume in older adults: results of the randomized controlled SMART trial”. Translational Psychiatry 7.7 (2017): e1172.

4 Zitationen in Europe PMC

Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.

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