Assessment of subjective physical well-being in heart failure. Validation of the FEW16 questionnaire

Lashki DJ, Zelenak C, Tahirovic E, Trippel TD, Kolip P, Busjahn A, Rauchfuss M, Nolte K, Schwarz S, Wachter R, Gelbrich G, et al. (2017)
HERZ 42(2): 200-208.

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Lashki, D. Jahandar; Zelenak, C.; Tahirovic, E.; Trippel, T. D.; Kolip, PetraUniBi ; Busjahn, A.; Rauchfuss, M.; Nolte, K.; Schwarz, S.; Wachter, R.; Gelbrich, G.; Halle, M.
Abstract / Bemerkung
Improvement in the quality of life (QoL) is a major goal of therapy for heart failure (HF) patients. Physical well-being as an important component of QoL has not yet been sufficiently covered by disease-specific assessment instruments. The aim of the study was to validate the questionnaire for assessing subjective physical well-being (FEW16) in HF patients with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) from the exercise training in diastolic heart failure (Ex-DHFaEuroP) trial. A total of 64 HFpEF patients (65 years, 56 % female) were randomized to usual routine treatment with (n = 44) or without training (n = 20). At baseline and 3 months, patients were clinically evaluated and assessed using appropriate questionnaires on the QoL (SF36), physical well-being (FEW16) and depression (PHQ-D). The FEW16 showed good values for Cronbachs' alpha coefficients (0.85-0.93). The cross-validity with SF36 and PHQ-D was highly significant but more so for psychological aspects. At baseline, the FEW16 score correlated with age, the subscale resilience with age and the 6 min walking distance test. At follow-up, the total and resilience scores had improved in the training group. In contrast to the SF36, the FEW16 did not detect differences between the groups in Ex-DHFaEuroP. The FEW16 questionnaire showed good internal consistency and correlation with SF36, its total score and resilience had improved after training; however, it did not reflect different changes between the study groups. The FEW16 is therefore more suited to assess general/mental well-being than the subjective physical well-being.
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; Exercise; Quality of; life; FEW16; Validation
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Lashki DJ, Zelenak C, Tahirovic E, et al. Assessment of subjective physical well-being in heart failure. Validation of the FEW16 questionnaire. HERZ. 2017;42(2):200-208.
Lashki, D. J., Zelenak, C., Tahirovic, E., Trippel, T. D., Kolip, P., Busjahn, A., Rauchfuss, M., et al. (2017). Assessment of subjective physical well-being in heart failure. Validation of the FEW16 questionnaire. HERZ, 42(2), 200-208. doi:10.1007/s00059-016-4458-9
Lashki, D. Jahandar, Zelenak, C., Tahirovic, E., Trippel, T. D., Kolip, Petra, Busjahn, A., Rauchfuss, M., et al. 2017. “Assessment of subjective physical well-being in heart failure. Validation of the FEW16 questionnaire”. HERZ 42 (2): 200-208.
Lashki, D. J., Zelenak, C., Tahirovic, E., Trippel, T. D., Kolip, P., Busjahn, A., Rauchfuss, M., Nolte, K., Schwarz, S., Wachter, R., et al. (2017). Assessment of subjective physical well-being in heart failure. Validation of the FEW16 questionnaire. HERZ 42, 200-208.
Lashki, D.J., et al., 2017. Assessment of subjective physical well-being in heart failure. Validation of the FEW16 questionnaire. HERZ, 42(2), p 200-208.
D.J. Lashki, et al., “Assessment of subjective physical well-being in heart failure. Validation of the FEW16 questionnaire”, HERZ, vol. 42, 2017, pp. 200-208.
Lashki, D.J., Zelenak, C., Tahirovic, E., Trippel, T.D., Kolip, P., Busjahn, A., Rauchfuss, M., Nolte, K., Schwarz, S., Wachter, R., Gelbrich, G., Halle, M., Pieske, B., Herrmann-Lingen, C., Edelmann, F., Duengen, H.-D.: Assessment of subjective physical well-being in heart failure. Validation of the FEW16 questionnaire. HERZ. 42, 200-208 (2017).
Lashki, D. Jahandar, Zelenak, C., Tahirovic, E., Trippel, T. D., Kolip, Petra, Busjahn, A., Rauchfuss, M., Nolte, K., Schwarz, S., Wachter, R., Gelbrich, G., Halle, M., Pieske, B., Herrmann-Lingen, C., Edelmann, F., and Duengen, H-D. “Assessment of subjective physical well-being in heart failure. Validation of the FEW16 questionnaire”. HERZ 42.2 (2017): 200-208.

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