Phenotype of a leaf beetle larva depends on host plant quality and previous test experience

Müller T, Müller C (2017)
Behavioural Processes 142: 40-45.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Phenotypic expressions of insects are strongly dependent on various external and internal factors, like diet or density and age or sex. However, environmental effects on the behavioural phenotype and repeatability are rather unexplored for holometabolous insects in their larval stage. We examined the effects of the food environment (young versus old cabbage leaves) and previous test experience on growth and behaviour of Phaedon cochleariae larvae. A more nutritious diet, i.e., young leaves, had beneficial consequences on larval growth. Contrary to findings on adults, the behaviour of larvae was neither consistent over time nor across contexts, thus larvae did not show personality. Furthermore, larval behaviour was shaped independent of the diet, pointing to a stage-dependent receptivity towards diet conditions in this species. Besides, larval activity was significantly influenced by former test experience, with naïve larvae being more active than previously tested larvae. In general, in insects memories in an olfactory or sexual behaviour context can lead to behavioural responses later in life. Mechanisms of memory-learning should be further explored in different contexts in insects. Overall, the present study reveals that growth-related traits are diet-dependent and that the activity of a holometabolous larva is shaped in dependence of its previous test experience.
Activity; Body mass; Development time; Memory-learning-mechanism; Personality; Phaedon cochleariae
Behavioural Processes
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Müller T, Müller C. Phenotype of a leaf beetle larva depends on host plant quality and previous test experience. Behavioural Processes. 2017;142:40-45.
Müller, T., & Müller, C. (2017). Phenotype of a leaf beetle larva depends on host plant quality and previous test experience. Behavioural Processes, 142, 40-45. doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2017.05.017
Müller, Thorben, and Müller, Caroline. 2017. “Phenotype of a leaf beetle larva depends on host plant quality and previous test experience”. Behavioural Processes 142: 40-45.
Müller, T., and Müller, C. (2017). Phenotype of a leaf beetle larva depends on host plant quality and previous test experience. Behavioural Processes 142, 40-45.
Müller, T., & Müller, C., 2017. Phenotype of a leaf beetle larva depends on host plant quality and previous test experience. Behavioural Processes, 142, p 40-45.
T. Müller and C. Müller, “Phenotype of a leaf beetle larva depends on host plant quality and previous test experience”, Behavioural Processes, vol. 142, 2017, pp. 40-45.
Müller, T., Müller, C.: Phenotype of a leaf beetle larva depends on host plant quality and previous test experience. Behavioural Processes. 142, 40-45 (2017).
Müller, Thorben, and Müller, Caroline. “Phenotype of a leaf beetle larva depends on host plant quality and previous test experience”. Behavioural Processes 142 (2017): 40-45.

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