Topology and prediction of RNA pseudoknots

M. Reidys C, W. D. Huang F, E. Andersen J, C. Penner R, F. Stadler P, Nebel M (2011)
Bioinformatics 27(8): 1076--1085.

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M. Reidys, Christian; W. D. Huang, Fenix; E. Andersen, Jorgen; C. Penner, Robert; F. Stadler, Peter; Nebel, MarkusUniBi
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M. Reidys C, W. D. Huang F, E. Andersen J, C. Penner R, F. Stadler P, Nebel M. Topology and prediction of RNA pseudoknots. Bioinformatics. 2011;27(8):1076--1085.
M. Reidys, C., W. D. Huang, F., E. Andersen, J., C. Penner, R., F. Stadler, P., & Nebel, M. (2011). Topology and prediction of RNA pseudoknots. Bioinformatics, 27(8), 1076--1085. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btr090
M. Reidys, Christian, W. D. Huang, Fenix, E. Andersen, Jorgen, C. Penner, Robert, F. Stadler, Peter, and Nebel, Markus. 2011. “Topology and prediction of RNA pseudoknots”. Bioinformatics 27 (8): 1076--1085.
M. Reidys, C., W. D. Huang, F., E. Andersen, J., C. Penner, R., F. Stadler, P., and Nebel, M. (2011). Topology and prediction of RNA pseudoknots. Bioinformatics 27, 1076--1085.
M. Reidys, C., et al., 2011. Topology and prediction of RNA pseudoknots. Bioinformatics, 27(8), p 1076--1085.
C. M. Reidys, et al., “Topology and prediction of RNA pseudoknots”, Bioinformatics, vol. 27, 2011, pp. 1076--1085.
M. Reidys, C., W. D. Huang, F., E. Andersen, J., C. Penner, R., F. Stadler, P., Nebel, M.: Topology and prediction of RNA pseudoknots. Bioinformatics. 27, 1076--1085 (2011).
M. Reidys, Christian, W. D. Huang, Fenix, E. Andersen, Jorgen, C. Penner, Robert, F. Stadler, Peter, and Nebel, Markus. “Topology and prediction of RNA pseudoknots”. Bioinformatics 27.8 (2011): 1076--1085.

26 Zitationen in Europe PMC

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