Effects of running water on lateral line responses to moving objects.

Engelmann J, Kröther S, Bleckmann H, Mogdans J (2003)
Brain Behav Evol 61(4): 195-212.

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Engelmann, J; Kröther, S; Bleckmann, H; Mogdans, J
Brain Behav Evol
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Engelmann J, Kröther S, Bleckmann H, Mogdans J. Effects of running water on lateral line responses to moving objects. Brain Behav Evol. 2003;61(4):195-212.
Engelmann, J., Kröther, S., Bleckmann, H., & Mogdans, J. (2003). Effects of running water on lateral line responses to moving objects. Brain Behav Evol, 61(4), 195-212. doi:10.1159/000070703
Engelmann, J, Kröther, S, Bleckmann, H, and Mogdans, J. 2003. “Effects of running water on lateral line responses to moving objects.”. Brain Behav Evol 61 (4): 195-212.
Engelmann, J., Kröther, S., Bleckmann, H., and Mogdans, J. (2003). Effects of running water on lateral line responses to moving objects. Brain Behav Evol 61, 195-212.
Engelmann, J., et al., 2003. Effects of running water on lateral line responses to moving objects. Brain Behav Evol, 61(4), p 195-212.
J. Engelmann, et al., “Effects of running water on lateral line responses to moving objects.”, Brain Behav Evol, vol. 61, 2003, pp. 195-212.
Engelmann, J., Kröther, S., Bleckmann, H., Mogdans, J.: Effects of running water on lateral line responses to moving objects. Brain Behav Evol. 61, 195-212 (2003).
Engelmann, J, Kröther, S, Bleckmann, H, and Mogdans, J. “Effects of running water on lateral line responses to moving objects.”. Brain Behav Evol 61.4 (2003): 195-212.

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