Web-based hybrid-dimensional Visualization and Exploration of Cytological Localization Scenarios
Kovanci G, Ghaffar M, Sommer B (2016)
Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 13(4): 298.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kovanci, Goekhan;
Ghaffar, Mehmood;
Sommer, Björn
Abstract / Bemerkung
The CELLmicrocosmos 4.2 PathwayIntegration (CmPI) is a tool which provides hybrid-dimensional visualization and analysis of intracellular protein and gene localizations in the context of a virtual 3D environment. This tool is developed based on Java/Java3D/JOGL and provides a standalone application compatible to all relevant operating systems. However, it requires Java and the local installation of the software. Here we present the prototype of an alternative web-based visualization approach, using Three. js and D3. js. In this way it is possible to visualize and explore CmPI-generated localization scenarios including networks mapped to 3D cell components by just providing a URL to a collaboration partner. This publication describes the integration of the different technologies - Three. js, D3. js and PHP - as well as an application case: a localization scenario of the citrate cycle. The CmPI web viewer is available at: http://CmPIweb.CELLmicrocosmos.org.
Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics
Page URI
Kovanci G, Ghaffar M, Sommer B. Web-based hybrid-dimensional Visualization and Exploration of Cytological Localization Scenarios. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics. 2016;13(4): 298.
Kovanci, G., Ghaffar, M., & Sommer, B. (2016). Web-based hybrid-dimensional Visualization and Exploration of Cytological Localization Scenarios. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 13(4), 298. https://doi.org/10.2390/biecoll-jib-2016-298
Kovanci, Goekhan, Ghaffar, Mehmood, and Sommer, Björn. 2016. “Web-based hybrid-dimensional Visualization and Exploration of Cytological Localization Scenarios”. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 13 (4): 298.
Kovanci, G., Ghaffar, M., and Sommer, B. (2016). Web-based hybrid-dimensional Visualization and Exploration of Cytological Localization Scenarios. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 13:298.
Kovanci, G., Ghaffar, M., & Sommer, B., 2016. Web-based hybrid-dimensional Visualization and Exploration of Cytological Localization Scenarios. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, 13(4): 298.
G. Kovanci, M. Ghaffar, and B. Sommer, “Web-based hybrid-dimensional Visualization and Exploration of Cytological Localization Scenarios”, Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics, vol. 13, 2016, : 298.
Kovanci, G., Ghaffar, M., Sommer, B.: Web-based hybrid-dimensional Visualization and Exploration of Cytological Localization Scenarios. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics. 13, : 298 (2016).
Kovanci, Goekhan, Ghaffar, Mehmood, and Sommer, Björn. “Web-based hybrid-dimensional Visualization and Exploration of Cytological Localization Scenarios”. Journal of Integrative Bioinformatics 13.4 (2016): 298.
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