L-lysine Production by Bacillus methanolicus: Genome-Based Mutational Analysis and L-lysine Secretion Engineering

Nærdal I, Netzer R, Irla M, Krog A, Heggeset TMB, Wendisch VF, Brautaset T (2017)
Journal of Biotechnology 244: 25-33.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Nærdal, Ingemar; Netzer, Roman; Irla, MartaUniBi; Krog, Anne; Heggeset, Tonje Marita Bjerkan; Wendisch, Volker F.UniBi ; Brautaset, Trygve
Journal of Biotechnology
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Nærdal I, Netzer R, Irla M, et al. L-lysine Production by Bacillus methanolicus: Genome-Based Mutational Analysis and L-lysine Secretion Engineering. Journal of Biotechnology. 2017;244:25-33.
Nærdal, I., Netzer, R., Irla, M., Krog, A., Heggeset, T. M. B., Wendisch, V. F., & Brautaset, T. (2017). L-lysine Production by Bacillus methanolicus: Genome-Based Mutational Analysis and L-lysine Secretion Engineering. Journal of Biotechnology, 244, 25-33. doi:10.1016/j.jbiotec.2017.02.001
Nærdal, Ingemar, Netzer, Roman, Irla, Marta, Krog, Anne, Heggeset, Tonje Marita Bjerkan, Wendisch, Volker F., and Brautaset, Trygve. 2017. “L-lysine Production by Bacillus methanolicus: Genome-Based Mutational Analysis and L-lysine Secretion Engineering”. Journal of Biotechnology 244: 25-33.
Nærdal, I., Netzer, R., Irla, M., Krog, A., Heggeset, T. M. B., Wendisch, V. F., and Brautaset, T. (2017). L-lysine Production by Bacillus methanolicus: Genome-Based Mutational Analysis and L-lysine Secretion Engineering. Journal of Biotechnology 244, 25-33.
Nærdal, I., et al., 2017. L-lysine Production by Bacillus methanolicus: Genome-Based Mutational Analysis and L-lysine Secretion Engineering. Journal of Biotechnology, 244, p 25-33.
I. Nærdal, et al., “L-lysine Production by Bacillus methanolicus: Genome-Based Mutational Analysis and L-lysine Secretion Engineering”, Journal of Biotechnology, vol. 244, 2017, pp. 25-33.
Nærdal, I., Netzer, R., Irla, M., Krog, A., Heggeset, T.M.B., Wendisch, V.F., Brautaset, T.: L-lysine Production by Bacillus methanolicus: Genome-Based Mutational Analysis and L-lysine Secretion Engineering. Journal of Biotechnology. 244, 25-33 (2017).
Nærdal, Ingemar, Netzer, Roman, Irla, Marta, Krog, Anne, Heggeset, Tonje Marita Bjerkan, Wendisch, Volker F., and Brautaset, Trygve. “L-lysine Production by Bacillus methanolicus: Genome-Based Mutational Analysis and L-lysine Secretion Engineering”. Journal of Biotechnology 244 (2017): 25-33.

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