Nanoscopy of bacterial cells immobilized by holographic optical tweezers

Diekmann R, Wolfson D, Spahn C, Heilemann M, Schüttpelz M, Huser T (2016)
Nature Communications 7(1): 13711.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Diekmann, Robin; Wolfson, Deanna; Spahn, Christoph; Heilemann, Mike; Schüttpelz, MarkUniBi ; Huser, ThomasUniBi
Nature Communications
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Diekmann R, Wolfson D, Spahn C, Heilemann M, Schüttpelz M, Huser T. Nanoscopy of bacterial cells immobilized by holographic optical tweezers. Nature Communications. 2016;7(1): 13711.
Diekmann, R., Wolfson, D., Spahn, C., Heilemann, M., Schüttpelz, M., & Huser, T. (2016). Nanoscopy of bacterial cells immobilized by holographic optical tweezers. Nature Communications, 7(1), 13711. doi:10.1038/ncomms13711
Diekmann, Robin, Wolfson, Deanna, Spahn, Christoph, Heilemann, Mike, Schüttpelz, Mark, and Huser, Thomas. 2016. “Nanoscopy of bacterial cells immobilized by holographic optical tweezers”. Nature Communications 7 (1): 13711.
Diekmann, R., Wolfson, D., Spahn, C., Heilemann, M., Schüttpelz, M., and Huser, T. (2016). Nanoscopy of bacterial cells immobilized by holographic optical tweezers. Nature Communications 7:13711.
Diekmann, R., et al., 2016. Nanoscopy of bacterial cells immobilized by holographic optical tweezers. Nature Communications, 7(1): 13711.
R. Diekmann, et al., “Nanoscopy of bacterial cells immobilized by holographic optical tweezers”, Nature Communications, vol. 7, 2016, : 13711.
Diekmann, R., Wolfson, D., Spahn, C., Heilemann, M., Schüttpelz, M., Huser, T.: Nanoscopy of bacterial cells immobilized by holographic optical tweezers. Nature Communications. 7, : 13711 (2016).
Diekmann, Robin, Wolfson, Deanna, Spahn, Christoph, Heilemann, Mike, Schüttpelz, Mark, and Huser, Thomas. “Nanoscopy of bacterial cells immobilized by holographic optical tweezers”. Nature Communications 7.1 (2016): 13711.

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