Learning in Silicon Beyond STDP: A Neuromorphic Implementation of Multi-Factor Synaptic Plasticity With Calcium-Based Dynamics
Maldonado Huayaney FL, Nease S, Chicca E (2016)
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 63(12): 2189-2199.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Abstract / Bemerkung
Autonomous systems must be able to adapt to a constantly-changing environment. This adaptability requires significant computational resources devoted to learning, and current artificial systems are lacking in these resources when compared to humans and animals. We aim to produce VLSI spiking neural networks which feature learning structures similar to those in biology, with the goal of achieving the performance and efficiency of natural systems. The neuroscience literature suggests that calcium ions play a key role in explaining long-term synaptic plasticity’s dependence on multiple factors, such as spike timing and stimulus frequency. Here we present a novel VLSI implementation of a calcium-based synaptic plasticity model, comparisons between the model and circuit simulations, and measurements of the fabricated circuit.
spike-timing dependent plasticity (STDP);
Analog VLSI;
calcium-based learning;
neuromorphic circuits;
Mathematical model;
Integrated circuit modeling;
Biological system modeling;
Adaptation models;
Very large scale integration;
Computational modeling
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers
2189 - 2199
Page URI
Maldonado Huayaney FL, Nease S, Chicca E. Learning in Silicon Beyond STDP: A Neuromorphic Implementation of Multi-Factor Synaptic Plasticity With Calcium-Based Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 2016;63(12):2189-2199.
Maldonado Huayaney, F. L., Nease, S., & Chicca, E. (2016). Learning in Silicon Beyond STDP: A Neuromorphic Implementation of Multi-Factor Synaptic Plasticity With Calcium-Based Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 63(12), 2189-2199. doi:10.1109/TCSI.2016.2616169
Maldonado Huayaney, Frank Lucio, Nease, Stephen, and Chicca, Elisabetta. 2016. “Learning in Silicon Beyond STDP: A Neuromorphic Implementation of Multi-Factor Synaptic Plasticity With Calcium-Based Dynamics”. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 63 (12): 2189-2199.
Maldonado Huayaney, F. L., Nease, S., and Chicca, E. (2016). Learning in Silicon Beyond STDP: A Neuromorphic Implementation of Multi-Factor Synaptic Plasticity With Calcium-Based Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 63, 2189-2199.
Maldonado Huayaney, F.L., Nease, S., & Chicca, E., 2016. Learning in Silicon Beyond STDP: A Neuromorphic Implementation of Multi-Factor Synaptic Plasticity With Calcium-Based Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 63(12), p 2189-2199.
F.L. Maldonado Huayaney, S. Nease, and E. Chicca, “Learning in Silicon Beyond STDP: A Neuromorphic Implementation of Multi-Factor Synaptic Plasticity With Calcium-Based Dynamics”, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, vol. 63, 2016, pp. 2189-2199.
Maldonado Huayaney, F.L., Nease, S., Chicca, E.: Learning in Silicon Beyond STDP: A Neuromorphic Implementation of Multi-Factor Synaptic Plasticity With Calcium-Based Dynamics. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 63, 2189-2199 (2016).
Maldonado Huayaney, Frank Lucio, Nease, Stephen, and Chicca, Elisabetta. “Learning in Silicon Beyond STDP: A Neuromorphic Implementation of Multi-Factor Synaptic Plasticity With Calcium-Based Dynamics”. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 63.12 (2016): 2189-2199.
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