Domain-specific interference between working memory retention and automatized real-world tasks

Foerster RM, Carbone E, Schneider WX (2013)
Presented at the Zif Conference "Task-driven control of thought and action by working memory: Linking mind and brain", Bielefeld.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Learning to attend in sensorimotor task
Zif Conference "Task-driven control of thought and action by working memory: Linking mind and brain"
2013-06-04 – 2013-06-05
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Foerster RM, Carbone E, Schneider WX. Domain-specific interference between working memory retention and automatized real-world tasks. Presented at the Zif Conference "Task-driven control of thought and action by working memory: Linking mind and brain", Bielefeld.
Foerster, R. M., Carbone, E., & Schneider, W. X. (2013). Domain-specific interference between working memory retention and automatized real-world tasks. Presented at the Zif Conference "Task-driven control of thought and action by working memory: Linking mind and brain", Bielefeld.
Foerster, Rebecca M., Carbone, Elena, and Schneider, Werner X. 2013. “Domain-specific interference between working memory retention and automatized real-world tasks”. Presented at the Zif Conference "Task-driven control of thought and action by working memory: Linking mind and brain", Bielefeld .
Foerster, R. M., Carbone, E., and Schneider, W. X. (2013).“Domain-specific interference between working memory retention and automatized real-world tasks”. Presented at the Zif Conference "Task-driven control of thought and action by working memory: Linking mind and brain", Bielefeld.
Foerster, R.M., Carbone, E., & Schneider, W.X., 2013. Domain-specific interference between working memory retention and automatized real-world tasks. Presented at the Zif Conference "Task-driven control of thought and action by working memory: Linking mind and brain", Bielefeld.
R.M. Foerster, E. Carbone, and W.X. Schneider, “Domain-specific interference between working memory retention and automatized real-world tasks”, Presented at the Zif Conference "Task-driven control of thought and action by working memory: Linking mind and brain", Bielefeld, 2013.
Foerster, R.M., Carbone, E., Schneider, W.X.: Domain-specific interference between working memory retention and automatized real-world tasks. Presented at the Zif Conference "Task-driven control of thought and action by working memory: Linking mind and brain", Bielefeld (2013).
Foerster, Rebecca M., Carbone, Elena, and Schneider, Werner X. “Domain-specific interference between working memory retention and automatized real-world tasks”. Presented at the Zif Conference "Task-driven control of thought and action by working memory: Linking mind and brain", Bielefeld, 2013.

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