Transsaccadic learning and visual feature prediction

Herwig A (2016)
Presented at the Workshop on "Learning at the interface of vision and oculomotor control" - Bernstein conference, Berlin.

Kurzbeitrag Konferenz / Poster | Englisch
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Workshop on "Learning at the interface of vision and oculomotor control" - Bernstein conference
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Herwig A. Transsaccadic learning and visual feature prediction. Presented at the Workshop on "Learning at the interface of vision and oculomotor control" - Bernstein conference, Berlin.
Herwig, A. (2016). Transsaccadic learning and visual feature prediction. Presented at the Workshop on "Learning at the interface of vision and oculomotor control" - Bernstein conference, Berlin.
Herwig, Arvid. 2016. “Transsaccadic learning and visual feature prediction”. Presented at the Workshop on "Learning at the interface of vision and oculomotor control" - Bernstein conference, Berlin .
Herwig, A. (2016).“Transsaccadic learning and visual feature prediction”. Presented at the Workshop on "Learning at the interface of vision and oculomotor control" - Bernstein conference, Berlin.
Herwig, A., 2016. Transsaccadic learning and visual feature prediction. Presented at the Workshop on "Learning at the interface of vision and oculomotor control" - Bernstein conference, Berlin.
A. Herwig, “Transsaccadic learning and visual feature prediction”, Presented at the Workshop on "Learning at the interface of vision and oculomotor control" - Bernstein conference, Berlin, 2016.
Herwig, A.: Transsaccadic learning and visual feature prediction. Presented at the Workshop on "Learning at the interface of vision and oculomotor control" - Bernstein conference, Berlin (2016).
Herwig, Arvid. “Transsaccadic learning and visual feature prediction”. Presented at the Workshop on "Learning at the interface of vision and oculomotor control" - Bernstein conference, Berlin, 2016.

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