Intramolecular cooperativity in frustrated Lewis pairs

Körte LA, Blomeyer S, Heidemeyer S, Mix A, Neumann B, Mitzel NW (2016)

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
The doubly Lewis-acid functionalised aniline PhN[(CH2)(3)B(C6F5)(2)](2) features two competing boron functions in fast exchange for binding to the central Lewis base. It shows catalytic activity typical for FLPs in H/D-scrambling and catalytic hydrogenation experiments. By contrast, the singly acid-functionalised PhMeN(CH2)(3)B(C6F5)(2) reveals a dramatically smaller catalytic activity in analogous experiments.
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Körte LA, Blomeyer S, Heidemeyer S, Mix A, Neumann B, Mitzel NW. Intramolecular cooperativity in frustrated Lewis pairs. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 2016;52(64):9949-9952.
Körte, L. A., Blomeyer, S., Heidemeyer, S., Mix, A., Neumann, B., & Mitzel, N. W. (2016). Intramolecular cooperativity in frustrated Lewis pairs. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 52(64), 9949-9952. doi:10.1039/c6cc05228b
Körte, Leif Arne, Blomeyer, Sebastian, Heidemeyer, Shari, Mix, Andreas, Neumann, Beate, and Mitzel, Norbert W. 2016. “Intramolecular cooperativity in frustrated Lewis pairs”. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 52 (64): 9949-9952.
Körte, L. A., Blomeyer, S., Heidemeyer, S., Mix, A., Neumann, B., and Mitzel, N. W. (2016). Intramolecular cooperativity in frustrated Lewis pairs. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 52, 9949-9952.
Körte, L.A., et al., 2016. Intramolecular cooperativity in frustrated Lewis pairs. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, 52(64), p 9949-9952.
L.A. Körte, et al., “Intramolecular cooperativity in frustrated Lewis pairs”, CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS, vol. 52, 2016, pp. 9949-9952.
Körte, L.A., Blomeyer, S., Heidemeyer, S., Mix, A., Neumann, B., Mitzel, N.W.: Intramolecular cooperativity in frustrated Lewis pairs. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS. 52, 9949-9952 (2016).
Körte, Leif Arne, Blomeyer, Sebastian, Heidemeyer, Shari, Mix, Andreas, Neumann, Beate, and Mitzel, Norbert W. “Intramolecular cooperativity in frustrated Lewis pairs”. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 52.64 (2016): 9949-9952.

3 Zitationen in Europe PMC

Daten bereitgestellt von Europe PubMed Central.

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