Blastocyst recovery and multifactorial gene expression analysis in the wild guinea pig (Cavia aperea)

Hribal R, Günther A, Ruebensam K, Jewgenow K (2016)
THERIOGENOLOGY 86(5): 1299-1307.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Hribal, Romy; Günther, AnjaUniBi; Ruebensam, Kathrin; Jewgenow, Katarina
Abstract / Bemerkung
The expression of specific developmentally important genes in preimplantation embryos is an accepted marker for unraveling the influence of single factors in studies that are mostly related to artificial reproduction techniques. Such studies, however, often reveal high levels of heterogeneity between single embryos, independently of the influence of factors of interest. A possible explanation for this variation could be the large variety of physiological and environmental factors to which early embryos are exposed and their ability to react to them. Here, we investigated several potentially important parameters of development at the same time, in blastocysts of the wild guinea pig (Cavia aperea) generated in vivo after natural mating. The optimal time for flushing fully developed blastocysts was between 123 and 126 hours after mating. The abundance of POU5F1 (P = 0.042), BAX (P < 0.001), SLC2A1 (P = 0.017), and DNMT3A (P < 0.001) mRNA changed significantly over time after mating. The number of sibling embryos present influenced STAT3 levels significantly (P = 0.02). Levels of BAX and POU5F1 were significantly affected by season (P = 0.03 and 0.04). The temporal pattern of SLC2A1 levels was significantly altered both after feeding a protein-deficient diet (P = 0.04) and temperature treatment (P = 0.04) of the sire. In addition, the identity of the father had a significant influence on POU5F1 (P = 0.049) and STAT3 (P < 0.001) mRNA abundances. These data report that the expression of specific genes in early embryos reflects the entire heterogeneity of their surroundings and that it is a plastic reaction toward a multifactorial environment. (C) 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Preimplantation embryo; mRNA; Guinea pig; Environmental influence
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Hribal R, Günther A, Ruebensam K, Jewgenow K. Blastocyst recovery and multifactorial gene expression analysis in the wild guinea pig (Cavia aperea). THERIOGENOLOGY. 2016;86(5):1299-1307.
Hribal, R., Günther, A., Ruebensam, K., & Jewgenow, K. (2016). Blastocyst recovery and multifactorial gene expression analysis in the wild guinea pig (Cavia aperea). THERIOGENOLOGY, 86(5), 1299-1307. doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2016.04.071
Hribal, Romy, Günther, Anja, Ruebensam, Kathrin, and Jewgenow, Katarina. 2016. “Blastocyst recovery and multifactorial gene expression analysis in the wild guinea pig (Cavia aperea)”. THERIOGENOLOGY 86 (5): 1299-1307.
Hribal, R., Günther, A., Ruebensam, K., and Jewgenow, K. (2016). Blastocyst recovery and multifactorial gene expression analysis in the wild guinea pig (Cavia aperea). THERIOGENOLOGY 86, 1299-1307.
Hribal, R., et al., 2016. Blastocyst recovery and multifactorial gene expression analysis in the wild guinea pig (Cavia aperea). THERIOGENOLOGY, 86(5), p 1299-1307.
R. Hribal, et al., “Blastocyst recovery and multifactorial gene expression analysis in the wild guinea pig (Cavia aperea)”, THERIOGENOLOGY, vol. 86, 2016, pp. 1299-1307.
Hribal, R., Günther, A., Ruebensam, K., Jewgenow, K.: Blastocyst recovery and multifactorial gene expression analysis in the wild guinea pig (Cavia aperea). THERIOGENOLOGY. 86, 1299-1307 (2016).
Hribal, Romy, Günther, Anja, Ruebensam, Kathrin, and Jewgenow, Katarina. “Blastocyst recovery and multifactorial gene expression analysis in the wild guinea pig (Cavia aperea)”. THERIOGENOLOGY 86.5 (2016): 1299-1307.

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