Torque-Detected Electron Spin Resonance as a Tool to Investigate Magnetic Anisotropy in Molecular Nanomagnets

Doerfel M, Kern M, Bamberger H, Neugebauer P, Bader K, Marx R, Cornia A, Mitra T, Müller A, Dressel M, Bogani L, et al. (2016)

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Doerfel, Maria; Kern, Michal; Bamberger, Heiko; Neugebauer, Petr; Bader, Katharina; Marx, Raphael; Cornia, Andrea; Mitra, TamoghnaUniBi; Müller, AchimUniBi ; Dressel, Martin; Bogani, Lapo; van Slageren, Joris
Abstract / Bemerkung
The method of choice for in-depth investigation of the magnetic anisotropy in molecular nanomagnets is high-frequency electron spin resonance (HFESR) spectroscopy. It has the benefits of high resolution and facile access to large energy splittings. However, the sensitivity is limited to about 107 spins for a reasonable data acquisition time. In contrast, methods based on the measurement of the deflection of a cantilever were shown to enable single spin magnetic resonance sensitivity. In the area of molecular nanomagnets, the technique of torque detected electron spin resonance (TDESR) has been used sporadically. Here, we explore the applicability of that technique by investigating molecular nanomagnets with different types of magnetic anisotropy. We also assess different methods for the detection of the magnetic torque. We find that all types of samples are amenable to these studies, but that sensitivities do not yet rival those of HFESR.
magnetic resonance; molecular nanomagnet; magnetic anisotropy
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Doerfel M, Kern M, Bamberger H, et al. Torque-Detected Electron Spin Resonance as a Tool to Investigate Magnetic Anisotropy in Molecular Nanomagnets. MAGNETOCHEMISTRY. 2016;2(2): 25.
Doerfel, M., Kern, M., Bamberger, H., Neugebauer, P., Bader, K., Marx, R., Cornia, A., et al. (2016). Torque-Detected Electron Spin Resonance as a Tool to Investigate Magnetic Anisotropy in Molecular Nanomagnets. MAGNETOCHEMISTRY, 2(2), 25. doi:10.3390/magnetochemistry2020025
Doerfel, Maria, Kern, Michal, Bamberger, Heiko, Neugebauer, Petr, Bader, Katharina, Marx, Raphael, Cornia, Andrea, et al. 2016. “Torque-Detected Electron Spin Resonance as a Tool to Investigate Magnetic Anisotropy in Molecular Nanomagnets”. MAGNETOCHEMISTRY 2 (2): 25.
Doerfel, M., Kern, M., Bamberger, H., Neugebauer, P., Bader, K., Marx, R., Cornia, A., Mitra, T., Müller, A., Dressel, M., et al. (2016). Torque-Detected Electron Spin Resonance as a Tool to Investigate Magnetic Anisotropy in Molecular Nanomagnets. MAGNETOCHEMISTRY 2:25.
Doerfel, M., et al., 2016. Torque-Detected Electron Spin Resonance as a Tool to Investigate Magnetic Anisotropy in Molecular Nanomagnets. MAGNETOCHEMISTRY, 2(2): 25.
M. Doerfel, et al., “Torque-Detected Electron Spin Resonance as a Tool to Investigate Magnetic Anisotropy in Molecular Nanomagnets”, MAGNETOCHEMISTRY, vol. 2, 2016, : 25.
Doerfel, M., Kern, M., Bamberger, H., Neugebauer, P., Bader, K., Marx, R., Cornia, A., Mitra, T., Müller, A., Dressel, M., Bogani, L., van Slageren, J.: Torque-Detected Electron Spin Resonance as a Tool to Investigate Magnetic Anisotropy in Molecular Nanomagnets. MAGNETOCHEMISTRY. 2, : 25 (2016).
Doerfel, Maria, Kern, Michal, Bamberger, Heiko, Neugebauer, Petr, Bader, Katharina, Marx, Raphael, Cornia, Andrea, Mitra, Tamoghna, Müller, Achim, Dressel, Martin, Bogani, Lapo, and van Slageren, Joris. “Torque-Detected Electron Spin Resonance as a Tool to Investigate Magnetic Anisotropy in Molecular Nanomagnets”. MAGNETOCHEMISTRY 2.2 (2016): 25.

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