Analyzing Synthetic Promoters Using Arabidopsis Protoplasts

Stracke R, Thiedig K, Kuhlmann M, Weisshaar B (2016)
In: Plant Synthetic Promoters. Hehl R (Ed); Methods in Molecular Biology, 1482. New York: Springer: 67-81.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Hehl, Reinhard
Abstract / Bemerkung
This chapter describes a transient protoplast co-transfection method that can be used to quantitatively study in vivo the activity and function of promoters and promoter elements (reporters), and their induction or repression by transcription factors (effectors), stresses, hormones, or metabolites. A detailed protocol for carrying out transient co-transfection assays with Arabidopsis At7 protoplasts and calculating the promoter activity is provided.
Plant Synthetic Promoters
Methods in Molecular Biology
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Stracke R, Thiedig K, Kuhlmann M, Weisshaar B. Analyzing Synthetic Promoters Using Arabidopsis Protoplasts. In: Hehl R, ed. Plant Synthetic Promoters. Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol 1482. New York: Springer; 2016: 67-81.
Stracke, R., Thiedig, K., Kuhlmann, M., & Weisshaar, B. (2016). Analyzing Synthetic Promoters Using Arabidopsis Protoplasts. In R. Hehl (Ed.), Methods in Molecular Biology: Vol. 1482. Plant Synthetic Promoters (pp. 67-81). New York: Springer.
Stracke, Ralf, Thiedig, Katharina, Kuhlmann, Melanie, and Weisshaar, Bernd. 2016. “Analyzing Synthetic Promoters Using Arabidopsis Protoplasts”. In Plant Synthetic Promoters, ed. Reinhard Hehl, 1482:67-81. Methods in Molecular Biology. New York: Springer.
Stracke, R., Thiedig, K., Kuhlmann, M., and Weisshaar, B. (2016). “Analyzing Synthetic Promoters Using Arabidopsis Protoplasts” in Plant Synthetic Promoters, Hehl, R. ed. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1482, (New York: Springer), 67-81.
Stracke, R., et al., 2016. Analyzing Synthetic Promoters Using Arabidopsis Protoplasts. In R. Hehl, ed. Plant Synthetic Promoters. Methods in Molecular Biology. no.1482 New York: Springer, pp. 67-81.
R. Stracke, et al., “Analyzing Synthetic Promoters Using Arabidopsis Protoplasts”, Plant Synthetic Promoters, R. Hehl, ed., Methods in Molecular Biology, vol. 1482, New York: Springer, 2016, pp.67-81.
Stracke, R., Thiedig, K., Kuhlmann, M., Weisshaar, B.: Analyzing Synthetic Promoters Using Arabidopsis Protoplasts. In: Hehl, R. (ed.) Plant Synthetic Promoters. Methods in Molecular Biology. 1482, p. 67-81. Springer, New York (2016).
Stracke, Ralf, Thiedig, Katharina, Kuhlmann, Melanie, and Weisshaar, Bernd. “Analyzing Synthetic Promoters Using Arabidopsis Protoplasts”. Plant Synthetic Promoters. Ed. Reinhard Hehl. New York: Springer, 2016.Vol. 1482. Methods in Molecular Biology. 67-81.

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