Giant Magnetoresistance: Basic Concepts, Microstructure, Magnetic Interactions and Applications
Ennen I, Kappe D, Rempel T, Glenske C, Hütten A (2016)
Sensors 16(6): 904.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch

Abstract / Bemerkung
The giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect is a very basic phenomenon that occurs in magnetic materials ranging from nanoparticles over multilayered thin films to permanent magnets. In this contribution, we first focus on the links between effect characteristic and underlying microstructure. Thereafter, we discuss design criteria for GMR-sensor applications covering automotive, biosensors as well as nanoparticular sensors.
giant magnetoresistance;
granular GMR;
automotive applications;
nanoparticular sensors
Urheberrecht / Lizenzen
Open-Access-Publikationskosten wurden durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft und die Universität Bielefeld gefördert.
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Ennen I, Kappe D, Rempel T, Glenske C, Hütten A. Giant Magnetoresistance: Basic Concepts, Microstructure, Magnetic Interactions and Applications. Sensors. 2016;16(6): 904.
Ennen, I., Kappe, D., Rempel, T., Glenske, C., & Hütten, A. (2016). Giant Magnetoresistance: Basic Concepts, Microstructure, Magnetic Interactions and Applications. Sensors, 16(6), 904. doi:10.3390/s16060904
Ennen, Inga, Kappe, Daniel, Rempel, Thomas, Glenske, Claudia, and Hütten, Andreas. 2016. “Giant Magnetoresistance: Basic Concepts, Microstructure, Magnetic Interactions and Applications”. Sensors 16 (6): 904.
Ennen, I., Kappe, D., Rempel, T., Glenske, C., and Hütten, A. (2016). Giant Magnetoresistance: Basic Concepts, Microstructure, Magnetic Interactions and Applications. Sensors 16:904.
Ennen, I., et al., 2016. Giant Magnetoresistance: Basic Concepts, Microstructure, Magnetic Interactions and Applications. Sensors, 16(6): 904.
I. Ennen, et al., “Giant Magnetoresistance: Basic Concepts, Microstructure, Magnetic Interactions and Applications”, Sensors, vol. 16, 2016, : 904.
Ennen, I., Kappe, D., Rempel, T., Glenske, C., Hütten, A.: Giant Magnetoresistance: Basic Concepts, Microstructure, Magnetic Interactions and Applications. Sensors. 16, : 904 (2016).
Ennen, Inga, Kappe, Daniel, Rempel, Thomas, Glenske, Claudia, and Hütten, Andreas. “Giant Magnetoresistance: Basic Concepts, Microstructure, Magnetic Interactions and Applications”. Sensors 16.6 (2016): 904.
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