Self-organization of gliadin in aqueous media under physiological digestive pHs

Herrera MG, Veuthey TV, Dodero VI (2016)

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Herrera, Maria G.; Veuthey, Tania V.; Dodero, Veronica IsabelUniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
Here we showed that gliadin, a complex protein system related to celiac disease and other human diseases, is spontaneously self-organized in a very dilute solution at pH 3.0 and 7.0 in water under low ionic strength (10 mM NaCl). The spontaneous self-organization at pH 3.0 increases the apparent solubility due to the formation of finite sized aggregates, such as those formed in the micellization of amphiphilic molecules. Switching the pH from 3.0 to 7.0 lead to a phase separation, however part of the nano-particles are stable remaining disperse in water after centrifugation. Also, beside the pH change led to changes in protein composition and concentration, we determined that the secondary structure of both system is the same. Moreover, Tyrs are slightly more buried and Trps are slightly more exposed to water at pH 7.0 than those at pH 3.0. Electron microscopy techniques showed that both gliadin systems are composed of nanostructures and in the case of pH 7.0 amorphous microaggregates were found, too. Only nanostructures at pH 3.0 showed a micromolar binding affinity to Nile red probe, suggesting the presence of accessible hydrophobic patches which are not more accessible at pH 7.0. All our results suggest that gliadin is able to self-organized at pH 3.0 forming protein micelles type nanostructures (zeta = +13, 42 +/- 1.55 mV), meanwhile at 7.0 the decrease of superficial charge to zeta of +4, 78 +/- 0.48 mV led to the formation of stable colloidal nanoparticles, unable to interact with Nile red probe. Our findings may open new perspectives for the understanding of gliadin ability to avoid proteolysis, to reach and cross the intestinal lumen and to trigger different immunological disorders. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Gliadin nanostructures; Nile red binding; Biophysics; Colloids; Electron; microscopy; Gliadin related disorders
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Herrera MG, Veuthey TV, Dodero VI. Self-organization of gliadin in aqueous media under physiological digestive pHs. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES. 2016;141:565-575.
Herrera, M. G., Veuthey, T. V., & Dodero, V. I. (2016). Self-organization of gliadin in aqueous media under physiological digestive pHs. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES, 141, 565-575. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfb.2016.02.019
Herrera, Maria G., Veuthey, Tania V., and Dodero, Veronica Isabel. 2016. “Self-organization of gliadin in aqueous media under physiological digestive pHs”. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES 141: 565-575.
Herrera, M. G., Veuthey, T. V., and Dodero, V. I. (2016). Self-organization of gliadin in aqueous media under physiological digestive pHs. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES 141, 565-575.
Herrera, M.G., Veuthey, T.V., & Dodero, V.I., 2016. Self-organization of gliadin in aqueous media under physiological digestive pHs. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES, 141, p 565-575.
M.G. Herrera, T.V. Veuthey, and V.I. Dodero, “Self-organization of gliadin in aqueous media under physiological digestive pHs”, COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES, vol. 141, 2016, pp. 565-575.
Herrera, M.G., Veuthey, T.V., Dodero, V.I.: Self-organization of gliadin in aqueous media under physiological digestive pHs. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES. 141, 565-575 (2016).
Herrera, Maria G., Veuthey, Tania V., and Dodero, Veronica Isabel. “Self-organization of gliadin in aqueous media under physiological digestive pHs”. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES 141 (2016): 565-575.

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