Lichens as a useful mapping tool? – An approach to assess atmospheric N loads in Germany by total N content and stable isotope signature
Boltersdorf S, Werner W (2014)
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186(8): 4767-4778.
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Boltersdorf, StefanieUniBi;
Werner, Willy
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
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Boltersdorf S, Werner W. Lichens as a useful mapping tool? – An approach to assess atmospheric N loads in Germany by total N content and stable isotope signature. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 2014;186(8):4767-4778.
Boltersdorf, S., & Werner, W. (2014). Lichens as a useful mapping tool? – An approach to assess atmospheric N loads in Germany by total N content and stable isotope signature. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186(8), 4767-4778. doi:10.1007/s10661-014-3736-3
Boltersdorf, Stefanie, and Werner, Willy. 2014. “Lichens as a useful mapping tool? – An approach to assess atmospheric N loads in Germany by total N content and stable isotope signature”. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186 (8): 4767-4778.
Boltersdorf, S., and Werner, W. (2014). Lichens as a useful mapping tool? – An approach to assess atmospheric N loads in Germany by total N content and stable isotope signature. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186, 4767-4778.
Boltersdorf, S., & Werner, W., 2014. Lichens as a useful mapping tool? – An approach to assess atmospheric N loads in Germany by total N content and stable isotope signature. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186(8), p 4767-4778.
S. Boltersdorf and W. Werner, “Lichens as a useful mapping tool? – An approach to assess atmospheric N loads in Germany by total N content and stable isotope signature”, Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, vol. 186, 2014, pp. 4767-4778.
Boltersdorf, S., Werner, W.: Lichens as a useful mapping tool? – An approach to assess atmospheric N loads in Germany by total N content and stable isotope signature. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 186, 4767-4778 (2014).
Boltersdorf, Stefanie, and Werner, Willy. “Lichens as a useful mapping tool? – An approach to assess atmospheric N loads in Germany by total N content and stable isotope signature”. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 186.8 (2014): 4767-4778.
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