A critical appraisal of accumulative biomonitors to assess and to map sources and rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on different regional scales in Germany
Boltersdorf S (2014)
Trier: OPUS - Online-Publikations-Server der Universität Trier.
Dissertation | Englisch
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Boltersdorf S. A critical appraisal of accumulative biomonitors to assess and to map sources and rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on different regional scales in Germany. Trier: OPUS - Online-Publikations-Server der Universität Trier; 2014.
Boltersdorf, S. (2014). A critical appraisal of accumulative biomonitors to assess and to map sources and rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on different regional scales in Germany. Trier: OPUS - Online-Publikations-Server der Universität Trier.
Boltersdorf, Stefanie. 2014. A critical appraisal of accumulative biomonitors to assess and to map sources and rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on different regional scales in Germany. Trier: OPUS - Online-Publikations-Server der Universität Trier.
Boltersdorf, S. (2014). A critical appraisal of accumulative biomonitors to assess and to map sources and rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on different regional scales in Germany. Trier: OPUS - Online-Publikations-Server der Universität Trier.
Boltersdorf, S., 2014. A critical appraisal of accumulative biomonitors to assess and to map sources and rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on different regional scales in Germany, Trier: OPUS - Online-Publikations-Server der Universität Trier.
S. Boltersdorf, A critical appraisal of accumulative biomonitors to assess and to map sources and rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on different regional scales in Germany, Trier: OPUS - Online-Publikations-Server der Universität Trier, 2014.
Boltersdorf, S.: A critical appraisal of accumulative biomonitors to assess and to map sources and rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on different regional scales in Germany. OPUS - Online-Publikations-Server der Universität Trier, Trier (2014).
Boltersdorf, Stefanie. A critical appraisal of accumulative biomonitors to assess and to map sources and rates of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on different regional scales in Germany. Trier: OPUS - Online-Publikations-Server der Universität Trier, 2014.