Association between DRD4 gene polymorphism and personality variation in great tits: a test across four wild populations

Molecular Ecology 19(4): 832-843.

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Korsten P, MUELLER JAKOBC, HERMANNSTÄDTER CHRISTINE, et al. Association between DRD4 gene polymorphism and personality variation in great tits: a test across four wild populations. Molecular Ecology. 2010;19(4):832-843.
Korsten, P., MUELLER, J. A. K. O. B. C., HERMANNSTÄDTER, C. H. R. I. S. T. I. N. E., BOUWMAN, K. A. R. E. N. M., DINGEMANSE, N. I. E. L. S. J., DRENT, P. I. E. T. J., LIEDVOGEL, M. I. R. I. A. M., et al. (2010). Association between DRD4 gene polymorphism and personality variation in great tits: a test across four wild populations. Molecular Ecology, 19(4), 832-843. doi:10.1111/j.1365-294x.2009.04518.x
Korsten, Peter, MUELLER, JAKOB C., HERMANNSTÄDTER, CHRISTINE, BOUWMAN, KAREN M., DINGEMANSE, NIELS J., DRENT, PIET J., LIEDVOGEL, MIRIAM, et al. 2010. “Association between DRD4 gene polymorphism and personality variation in great tits: a test across four wild populations”. Molecular Ecology 19 (4): 832-843.
Korsten, P., MUELLER, J. A. K. O. B. C., HERMANNSTÄDTER, C. H. R. I. S. T. I. N. E., BOUWMAN, K. A. R. E. N. M., DINGEMANSE, N. I. E. L. S. J., DRENT, P. I. E. T. J., LIEDVOGEL, M. I. R. I. A. M., MATTHYSEN, E. R. I. K., Van OERS, K. E. E. S., Van OVERVELD, T. H. I. J. S., et al. (2010). Association between DRD4 gene polymorphism and personality variation in great tits: a test across four wild populations. Molecular Ecology 19, 832-843.
Korsten, P., et al., 2010. Association between DRD4 gene polymorphism and personality variation in great tits: a test across four wild populations. Molecular Ecology, 19(4), p 832-843.
P. Korsten, et al., “Association between DRD4 gene polymorphism and personality variation in great tits: a test across four wild populations”, Molecular Ecology, vol. 19, 2010, pp. 832-843.
Korsten, P., MUELLER, J.A.K.O.B.C., HERMANNSTÄDTER, C.H.R.I.S.T.I.N.E., BOUWMAN, K.A.R.E.N.M., DINGEMANSE, N.I.E.L.S.J., DRENT, P.I.E.T.J., LIEDVOGEL, M.I.R.I.A.M., MATTHYSEN, E.R.I.K., Van OERS, K.E.E.S., Van OVERVELD, T.H.I.J.S., PATRICK, S.A.M.A.N.T.H.A.C., QUINN, J.O.H.N.L., SHELDON, B.E.N.C., TINBERGEN, J.O.O.S.T.M., KEMPENAERS, B.A.R.T.: Association between DRD4 gene polymorphism and personality variation in great tits: a test across four wild populations. Molecular Ecology. 19, 832-843 (2010).
Korsten, Peter, MUELLER, JAKOB C., HERMANNSTÄDTER, CHRISTINE, BOUWMAN, KAREN M., DINGEMANSE, NIELS J., DRENT, PIET J., LIEDVOGEL, MIRIAM, MATTHYSEN, ERIK, Van OERS, KEES, Van OVERVELD, THIJS, PATRICK, SAMANTHA C., QUINN, JOHN L., SHELDON, BEN C., TINBERGEN, JOOST M., and KEMPENAERS, BART. “Association between DRD4 gene polymorphism and personality variation in great tits: a test across four wild populations”. Molecular Ecology 19.4 (2010): 832-843.

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