The prediction of adaptive evolution: empirical application of the secondary theorem of selection and comparison to the breeder’s equation

Morrissey MB, Parker DJ, Korsten P, Pemberton JM, Kruuk LEB, Wilson AJ (2012)
Evolution 66(8): 2399-2410.

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Morrissey, Michael B.; Parker, Darren J.; Korsten, PeterUniBi ; Pemberton, Josephine M.; Kruuk, Loeske E.B.; Wilson, Alastair J.
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Morrissey MB, Parker DJ, Korsten P, Pemberton JM, Kruuk LEB, Wilson AJ. The prediction of adaptive evolution: empirical application of the secondary theorem of selection and comparison to the breeder’s equation. Evolution. 2012;66(8):2399-2410.
Morrissey, M. B., Parker, D. J., Korsten, P., Pemberton, J. M., Kruuk, L. E. B., & Wilson, A. J. (2012). The prediction of adaptive evolution: empirical application of the secondary theorem of selection and comparison to the breeder’s equation. Evolution, 66(8), 2399-2410. doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01632.x
Morrissey, Michael B., Parker, Darren J., Korsten, Peter, Pemberton, Josephine M., Kruuk, Loeske E.B., and Wilson, Alastair J. 2012. “The prediction of adaptive evolution: empirical application of the secondary theorem of selection and comparison to the breeder’s equation”. Evolution 66 (8): 2399-2410.
Morrissey, M. B., Parker, D. J., Korsten, P., Pemberton, J. M., Kruuk, L. E. B., and Wilson, A. J. (2012). The prediction of adaptive evolution: empirical application of the secondary theorem of selection and comparison to the breeder’s equation. Evolution 66, 2399-2410.
Morrissey, M.B., et al., 2012. The prediction of adaptive evolution: empirical application of the secondary theorem of selection and comparison to the breeder’s equation. Evolution, 66(8), p 2399-2410.
M.B. Morrissey, et al., “The prediction of adaptive evolution: empirical application of the secondary theorem of selection and comparison to the breeder’s equation”, Evolution, vol. 66, 2012, pp. 2399-2410.
Morrissey, M.B., Parker, D.J., Korsten, P., Pemberton, J.M., Kruuk, L.E.B., Wilson, A.J.: The prediction of adaptive evolution: empirical application of the secondary theorem of selection and comparison to the breeder’s equation. Evolution. 66, 2399-2410 (2012).
Morrissey, Michael B., Parker, Darren J., Korsten, Peter, Pemberton, Josephine M., Kruuk, Loeske E.B., and Wilson, Alastair J. “The prediction of adaptive evolution: empirical application of the secondary theorem of selection and comparison to the breeder’s equation”. Evolution 66.8 (2012): 2399-2410.

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