Bayesian Approaches for Learning of Primitive-Based Compact Representations of Complex Human Activities

Endres D, Chiovetto E, Giese MA (2015)
In: Dance Notations and Robot Motion. Laumond J-P, Abe N (Eds); Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, 111. Cham: Springer Science + Business Media: 117-137.

Sammelwerksbeitrag | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Endres, Dominik; Chiovetto, Enrico; Giese, Martin A.
Laumond, Jean-Paul; Abe, Naoko
Dance Notations and Robot Motion
Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics
978-3-319-25737-2, 978-3-319-25739-6
1610-7438, 1610-742X
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Endres D, Chiovetto E, Giese MA. Bayesian Approaches for Learning of Primitive-Based Compact Representations of Complex Human Activities. In: Laumond J-P, Abe N, eds. Dance Notations and Robot Motion. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. Vol 111. Cham: Springer Science + Business Media; 2015: 117-137.
Endres, D., Chiovetto, E., & Giese, M. A. (2015). Bayesian Approaches for Learning of Primitive-Based Compact Representations of Complex Human Activities. In J. - P. Laumond & N. Abe (Eds.), Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics: Vol. 111. Dance Notations and Robot Motion (pp. 117-137). Cham: Springer Science + Business Media.
Endres, Dominik, Chiovetto, Enrico, and Giese, Martin A. 2015. “Bayesian Approaches for Learning of Primitive-Based Compact Representations of Complex Human Activities”. In Dance Notations and Robot Motion, ed. Jean-Paul Laumond and Naoko Abe, 111:117-137. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. Cham: Springer Science + Business Media.
Endres, D., Chiovetto, E., and Giese, M. A. (2015). “Bayesian Approaches for Learning of Primitive-Based Compact Representations of Complex Human Activities” in Dance Notations and Robot Motion, Laumond, J. - P., and Abe, N. eds. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, vol. 111, (Cham: Springer Science + Business Media), 117-137.
Endres, D., Chiovetto, E., & Giese, M.A., 2015. Bayesian Approaches for Learning of Primitive-Based Compact Representations of Complex Human Activities. In J. - P. Laumond & N. Abe, eds. Dance Notations and Robot Motion. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. no.111 Cham: Springer Science + Business Media, pp. 117-137.
D. Endres, E. Chiovetto, and M.A. Giese, “Bayesian Approaches for Learning of Primitive-Based Compact Representations of Complex Human Activities”, Dance Notations and Robot Motion, J.-P. Laumond and N. Abe, eds., Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, vol. 111, Cham: Springer Science + Business Media, 2015, pp.117-137.
Endres, D., Chiovetto, E., Giese, M.A.: Bayesian Approaches for Learning of Primitive-Based Compact Representations of Complex Human Activities. In: Laumond, J.-P. and Abe, N. (eds.) Dance Notations and Robot Motion. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. 111, p. 117-137. Springer Science + Business Media, Cham (2015).
Endres, Dominik, Chiovetto, Enrico, and Giese, Martin A. “Bayesian Approaches for Learning of Primitive-Based Compact Representations of Complex Human Activities”. Dance Notations and Robot Motion. Ed. Jean-Paul Laumond and Naoko Abe. Cham: Springer Science + Business Media, 2015.Vol. 111. Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics. 117-137.

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