Spacers for Geometrically Well-Defined Water-Soluble Molecular Rulers and Their Application

Qi M, Hülsmann M, Godt A (2016)
The Journal of Organic Chemistry 81(6): 2549-2571.

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Qi, MianUniBi ; Hülsmann, Miriam; Godt, AdelheidUniBi
The Journal of Organic Chemistry
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Qi M, Hülsmann M, Godt A. Spacers for Geometrically Well-Defined Water-Soluble Molecular Rulers and Their Application. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 2016;81(6):2549-2571.
Qi, M., Hülsmann, M., & Godt, A. (2016). Spacers for Geometrically Well-Defined Water-Soluble Molecular Rulers and Their Application. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 81(6), 2549-2571. doi:10.1021/acs.joc.6b00125
Qi, Mian, Hülsmann, Miriam, and Godt, Adelheid. 2016. “Spacers for Geometrically Well-Defined Water-Soluble Molecular Rulers and Their Application”. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 81 (6): 2549-2571.
Qi, M., Hülsmann, M., and Godt, A. (2016). Spacers for Geometrically Well-Defined Water-Soluble Molecular Rulers and Their Application. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 81, 2549-2571.
Qi, M., Hülsmann, M., & Godt, A., 2016. Spacers for Geometrically Well-Defined Water-Soluble Molecular Rulers and Their Application. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 81(6), p 2549-2571.
M. Qi, M. Hülsmann, and A. Godt, “Spacers for Geometrically Well-Defined Water-Soluble Molecular Rulers and Their Application”, The Journal of Organic Chemistry, vol. 81, 2016, pp. 2549-2571.
Qi, M., Hülsmann, M., Godt, A.: Spacers for Geometrically Well-Defined Water-Soluble Molecular Rulers and Their Application. The Journal of Organic Chemistry. 81, 2549-2571 (2016).
Qi, Mian, Hülsmann, Miriam, and Godt, Adelheid. “Spacers for Geometrically Well-Defined Water-Soluble Molecular Rulers and Their Application”. The Journal of Organic Chemistry 81.6 (2016): 2549-2571.

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