The nature of the semantic/episodic memory distinction: A missing piece of the "working through" process
Klein SB, Markowitsch HJ (2015)
Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38: e9.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Klein, Stanley B.;
Markowitsch, Hans J.UniBi
Abstract / Bemerkung
The relations between the semantic and episodic-autobiographical memory systems are more complex than described in the target article. We argue that understanding the noetic/autonoetic distinction provides critical insights into the foundation of the delineation between the two memory systems. Clarity with respect to the criteria for classification of these two systems, and the evolving conceptualization of episodic memory, can further neuroscientifically informed therapeutic approaches.
Behavioral and Brain Sciences
Page URI
Klein SB, Markowitsch HJ. The nature of the semantic/episodic memory distinction: A missing piece of the "working through" process. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 2015;38: e9.
Klein, S. B., & Markowitsch, H. J. (2015). The nature of the semantic/episodic memory distinction: A missing piece of the "working through" process. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 38, e9. doi:10.1017/S0140525X14000181
Klein, Stanley B., and Markowitsch, Hans J. 2015. “The nature of the semantic/episodic memory distinction: A missing piece of the "working through" process”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38: e9.
Klein, S. B., and Markowitsch, H. J. (2015). The nature of the semantic/episodic memory distinction: A missing piece of the "working through" process. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38:e9.
Klein, S.B., & Markowitsch, H.J., 2015. The nature of the semantic/episodic memory distinction: A missing piece of the "working through" process. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 38: e9.
S.B. Klein and H.J. Markowitsch, “The nature of the semantic/episodic memory distinction: A missing piece of the "working through" process”, Behavioral and Brain Sciences, vol. 38, 2015, : e9.
Klein, S.B., Markowitsch, H.J.: The nature of the semantic/episodic memory distinction: A missing piece of the "working through" process. Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 38, : e9 (2015).
Klein, Stanley B., and Markowitsch, Hans J. “The nature of the semantic/episodic memory distinction: A missing piece of the "working through" process”. Behavioral and Brain Sciences 38 (2015): e9.
Daten bereitgestellt von European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI)
2 Zitationen in Europe PMC
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