Encapsulation systems for slow release of CO2 and antimicrobial plant extracts

Vemmer M (2015)

Dissertation | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Vemmer, Marina
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Vemmer M. Encapsulation systems for slow release of CO2 and antimicrobial plant extracts. Bielefeld; 2015.
Vemmer, M. (2015). Encapsulation systems for slow release of CO2 and antimicrobial plant extracts. Bielefeld.
Vemmer, Marina. 2015. Encapsulation systems for slow release of CO2 and antimicrobial plant extracts. Bielefeld.
Vemmer, M. (2015). Encapsulation systems for slow release of CO2 and antimicrobial plant extracts. Bielefeld.
Vemmer, M., 2015. Encapsulation systems for slow release of CO2 and antimicrobial plant extracts, Bielefeld.
M. Vemmer, Encapsulation systems for slow release of CO2 and antimicrobial plant extracts, Bielefeld: 2015.
Vemmer, M.: Encapsulation systems for slow release of CO2 and antimicrobial plant extracts. Bielefeld (2015).
Vemmer, Marina. Encapsulation systems for slow release of CO2 and antimicrobial plant extracts. Bielefeld, 2015.

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