Nonperturbative estimate of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient
Francis A, Kaczmarek O, Laine M, Neuhaus T, Ohno H (2015)
Physical Review D 92(11): 116003.
| Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Francis, A.;
Kaczmarek, OlafUniBi
Laine, Mikko;
Neuhaus, T.;
Ohno, H.

Abstract / Bemerkung
We estimate the momentum diffusion coefficient of a heavy quark within a pure SU(3) plasma at a temperature of about 1.5Tc. Large-scale Monte Carlo simulations on a series of lattices extending up to 192(3) x 48 permit us to carry out a continuum extrapolation of the so-called color-electric imaginary-time correlator. The extrapolated correlator is analyzed with the help of theoretically motivated models for the corresponding spectral function. Evidence for a nonzero transport coefficient is found and, incorporating systematic uncertainties reflecting model assumptions, we obtain kappa = (1.8- 3.4)T-3. This implies that the "drag coefficient," characterizing the time scale at which heavy quarks adjust to hydrodynamic flow, is eta(-1)(D) eta(-1)(D) = (1.8-3.4) (T-c/T)(2) (M/1.5 GeV) fm/c, where M is the heavy quark kinetic mass. The results apply to bottom and, with somewhat larger systematic uncertainties, to charm quarks.
Physical Review D
Page URI
Francis A, Kaczmarek O, Laine M, Neuhaus T, Ohno H. Nonperturbative estimate of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient. Physical Review D. 2015;92(11): 116003.
Francis, A., Kaczmarek, O., Laine, M., Neuhaus, T., & Ohno, H. (2015). Nonperturbative estimate of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient. Physical Review D, 92(11), 116003.
Francis, A., Kaczmarek, Olaf, Laine, Mikko, Neuhaus, T., and Ohno, H. 2015. “Nonperturbative estimate of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient”. Physical Review D 92 (11): 116003.
Francis, A., Kaczmarek, O., Laine, M., Neuhaus, T., and Ohno, H. (2015). Nonperturbative estimate of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient. Physical Review D 92:116003.
Francis, A., et al., 2015. Nonperturbative estimate of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient. Physical Review D, 92(11): 116003.
A. Francis, et al., “Nonperturbative estimate of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient”, Physical Review D, vol. 92, 2015, : 116003.
Francis, A., Kaczmarek, O., Laine, M., Neuhaus, T., Ohno, H.: Nonperturbative estimate of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient. Physical Review D. 92, : 116003 (2015).
Francis, A., Kaczmarek, Olaf, Laine, Mikko, Neuhaus, T., and Ohno, H. “Nonperturbative estimate of the heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient”. Physical Review D 92.11 (2015): 116003.
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