One-step synthesis and structure of a tricyclic trislactone with C3 symmetry

Kostyanovsky R, Krutius O, Stankevich A, Vilkov L, Atavin E, Vishnevsky Y, Ivanov A (2004)
Mendeleev Communications (3): 89-90.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Kostyanovsky, Remir; Krutius, Oleg; Stankevich, Andrey; Vilkov, Lev; Atavin, Evgenii; Vishnevsky, Yuriy; Ivanov, Arkadii
Mendeleev Communications
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Kostyanovsky R, Krutius O, Stankevich A, et al. One-step synthesis and structure of a tricyclic trislactone with C3 symmetry. Mendeleev Communications. 2004;(3):89-90.
Kostyanovsky, R., Krutius, O., Stankevich, A., Vilkov, L., Atavin, E., Vishnevsky, Y., & Ivanov, A. (2004). One-step synthesis and structure of a tricyclic trislactone with C3 symmetry. Mendeleev Communications(3), 89-90.
Kostyanovsky, Remir, Krutius, Oleg, Stankevich, Andrey, Vilkov, Lev, Atavin, Evgenii, Vishnevsky, Yuriy, and Ivanov, Arkadii. 2004. “One-step synthesis and structure of a tricyclic trislactone with C3 symmetry”. Mendeleev Communications, no. 3: 89-90.
Kostyanovsky, R., Krutius, O., Stankevich, A., Vilkov, L., Atavin, E., Vishnevsky, Y., and Ivanov, A. (2004). One-step synthesis and structure of a tricyclic trislactone with C3 symmetry. Mendeleev Communications, 89-90.
Kostyanovsky, R., et al., 2004. One-step synthesis and structure of a tricyclic trislactone with C3 symmetry. Mendeleev Communications, (3), p 89-90.
R. Kostyanovsky, et al., “One-step synthesis and structure of a tricyclic trislactone with C3 symmetry”, Mendeleev Communications, 2004, pp. 89-90.
Kostyanovsky, R., Krutius, O., Stankevich, A., Vilkov, L., Atavin, E., Vishnevsky, Y., Ivanov, A.: One-step synthesis and structure of a tricyclic trislactone with C3 symmetry. Mendeleev Communications. 89-90 (2004).
Kostyanovsky, Remir, Krutius, Oleg, Stankevich, Andrey, Vilkov, Lev, Atavin, Evgenii, Vishnevsky, Yuriy, and Ivanov, Arkadii. “One-step synthesis and structure of a tricyclic trislactone with C3 symmetry”. Mendeleev Communications 3 (2004): 89-90.

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