Spotlighted Brains: Optogenetic Activation and Silencing of Neurons

Kianianmomeni A, Hallmann A (2015)
Trends in biochemical sciences 40(11): 624-627.

Zeitschriftenaufsatz | Veröffentlicht | Englisch
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Abstract / Bemerkung
Optogenetics is revolutionizing cell biology and neuroscience research by allowing precise biochemical control of neuronal activity through light-activated channels. Light-induced ion transporters have been used extensively for cellular activation, and now light-gated inhibitory channels have been discovered. These represent a key new tool to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders.
Trends in biochemical sciences
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Kianianmomeni A, Hallmann A. Spotlighted Brains: Optogenetic Activation and Silencing of Neurons. Trends in biochemical sciences. 2015;40(11):624-627.
Kianianmomeni, A., & Hallmann, A. (2015). Spotlighted Brains: Optogenetic Activation and Silencing of Neurons. Trends in biochemical sciences, 40(11), 624-627. doi:10.1016/j.tibs.2015.09.004
Kianianmomeni, Arash, and Hallmann, Armin. 2015. “Spotlighted Brains: Optogenetic Activation and Silencing of Neurons”. Trends in biochemical sciences 40 (11): 624-627.
Kianianmomeni, A., and Hallmann, A. (2015). Spotlighted Brains: Optogenetic Activation and Silencing of Neurons. Trends in biochemical sciences 40, 624-627.
Kianianmomeni, A., & Hallmann, A., 2015. Spotlighted Brains: Optogenetic Activation and Silencing of Neurons. Trends in biochemical sciences, 40(11), p 624-627.
A. Kianianmomeni and A. Hallmann, “Spotlighted Brains: Optogenetic Activation and Silencing of Neurons”, Trends in biochemical sciences, vol. 40, 2015, pp. 624-627.
Kianianmomeni, A., Hallmann, A.: Spotlighted Brains: Optogenetic Activation and Silencing of Neurons. Trends in biochemical sciences. 40, 624-627 (2015).
Kianianmomeni, Arash, and Hallmann, Armin. “Spotlighted Brains: Optogenetic Activation and Silencing of Neurons”. Trends in biochemical sciences 40.11 (2015): 624-627.

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